French-troops in a sentence 2

Use ‘French troops’ in a sentence | ‘French troops’ example sentences

51- General François Achille Bazaine ordered the French troops to retreat back to the state of Durango after only reaching a point one days travel north of Chihuahua City.

52- The remaining French troops were withdrawn sometime during the year.

53- Renaissance and Old Regime On March 26, 1478, French troops pillaged and burned the city.

54- Napoleon is marching through the Brandenburg Gate *1806: French troops marched into Berlin.

55- The Sarkars were personally conferred on Bussy towards the maintenance of the French troops.

56- In 1703 AD, during the siege of Breisach by French troops, the village was completely destroyed.

57- Marie de Guise responded by calling on French troops, who helped stiffen resistance to the English occupation.

58- Salzburg was always interested in Berchtesgaden Citation needed, and French troops occupied the area a short time.

59- He was killed by French troops sent by Basalat Jung, brother of the Golkonda Nawab in 1771.

60- In 1803, he was in Paris seeking an interview with Bonaparte in order to obtain French troops for Ireland.

61- On February 22, French troops successfully withdrew from Hòa Bình and regrouped in Xuan Mai two days later.

62- On November 3, 1867 the city was the site of the battle between the Garibaldine and French troops (see Battle of Mentana ).

63- ISBN 0852595980 Allied occupation In August 1914, Togo was invaded by British and French troops who occupied the country until 1919.

64- In Spain an additional 150-200,000 French troops were being steadily beaten back by Spanish and British forces numbering around 150,000.

65- Rosamel sent French troops to Cuba to guard its assets in the Cuba and Mexico in March 1837, precipitating more problems between the governments.

66- The Siamese were able to muster about 40,000 troops, equipped with cannon, against the entrenched 200 French troops, but the military confrontation proved inconclusive.

More Sentences: 12
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