trophy in a sentence

Use ‘trophy’ in a sentence | ‘trophy’ example sentences

1- The high school team has 30 championship trophies .

2- The same club has won both trophies six times.

3- She accumulated 240 trophies during her athletic career.

4- In the pavilion are three notable corn trophies .

5- They had for trophies seven rebel flags.

6- The staff members were awarded a presidential trophy .

7- The top three players are awarded trophies and prize money.

8- The trophy was made possible by numerous donations.

9- Michigan currently leads the trophy series 35–24–2.

10- The graphic is automatically updated regularly to display recent trophy information.

11- The original trophy was used from 1967 through 1994.

12- This move is considered a trophy move.

13- The trophy was a sterling silver plate.

14- The easy explanation is that newspapers are trophy assets.

15- We offer trophy bison and bull elk hunts.

16- He is accumulating quite a fan club and trophy collection!

17- Many definitely have a trophy winning case.

18- The winners also receive a beautiful trophy .

19- A trophy of some description is essential.

20- Let alone identify and judge trophy quality at 1000 yards!

21- Awards for achievements within age divisions also include diamond trophies .

22- The trophy will be unlike anything anyone else has.

23- Sort of a ” trophy ” fishing spot.

24- He was suspended in 1992 for stealing trophies .

25- This trophy was won after only 7 competitions.

26- Barcelona was unsuccessful in defending two major trophies .

27- They have discovered a trophy long locked away.

28- The trophy has been in use since 1936.

29- Lesser tournaments sometimes replace monetary rewards with book prizes or trophies .

30- Special arrangements are made for tourists and trophy hunters.

31- Since then the trophy has since changed hands eight times.

32- The first trophy game was played in 2011.

33- He achieved many awards and trophies during his career.

34- Both teams are therefore ignore this trophy by mutual agreement.

35- The winner in each division receives a crystal trophy .

36- More recently it has taken the more traditional trophy shape.

37- He won 12 trophies in only three years.

38- The winning houses are awarded trophies for their achievement.

39- He is responsible for nine trophies the club won. He held the trophy up high.

40- To our surprise, Betty won the trophy.

41- CNDiscussion question: How do you feel about trophy hunting?I could not but cheer when my friend was handed the trophy.

42- She smiled modestly when she was presented with the trophy.

43- France defeated Mexico in the final match to win the soccer trophy.

44- The annual slaughter of grizzly bears in trophy hunts has drawn international condemnation.

45- The boy visualized himself winning the school trophy, and walking up onto the stage to receive it.

46- Players whose teams do not win a trophy will still get a medal for participation in the tournament.

47- See yourself holding the first prize trophy in your hands.

48- By visualizing winning, you will become a more confident player.

49- Monday, and owner Audrey Manning, pose with their first place trophy.

More Sentences: 1234
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