Are-those in a sentence 3

Use ‘Are those’ in a sentence | ‘Are those’ example sentences

100- Cardinal Cardinal numbers Are those used in counting.

101- Thinner mouthpieces are more severe, as Are those that are rougher.

102- “Saponifiable substances” Are those that can be converted into soap.

103- The missing years Are those in which no film was submitted by Israel.

104- The names Carter, Forsyth and Lindsay Are those native to Barking Lodge.

105- People in chronic poverty Are those who have benefited least from economic growth and development.

106- Enemy Curse users :Enemy curse users Are those magic users who wish to gain the powers of the Closer bloodline.

107- Mission-critical jobs Are those jobs that help the organization maintain or develop its distinct competitive advantage.

108- Van der Aalst classification A well-known collection of Workflow Patterns Are those proposed by Wil van der Aalst et al.

109- Whereas Gradualist policies Are those in which the rate of inflation is reduced at slow pace that is to say these policies move the economy slowly towards the target.

110- As examples, she cites the passage in the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus says, “Blessed Are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

111- Finally, Erik told Natalie that people would call her weak and undeserving, but asked that why Are those characteristics were any less admirable than lying, cheating and stealing.

112- Term births Are those occurring at 37 weeks or beyond.

113- The references above quoted Are those of the original article.

114- More modern definitions of atoll Are those of McNeil (1954, p. 396) as “.

115- The main route canals of Canada Are those of the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes.

116- ” Newman, p. 245 The final notes in the act Are those of the Scarpia motif, softly, in a minor key.

117- The smaller dates, during the respective premierships, Are those of the Prime Ministers’ governments.

118- ” These works Are those specifically mentioned by Vincent in his extant correspondence or conferences.

119- The only sources that mention him Are those of the Republic of Ragusa and are related to his granting favours.

120- A second group of early 20th century Irish poets worth noting Are those associated with the Easter Rising of 1916.

121- Humans belonging to the topmost or the diamond region Are those who reached their abode who are sinless and impeccable.

122- Sephardi Jews Are those Jews coming from the Iberian Paninsula and settled in the Philippines, particularly, in Northern Samar.

123- Unreferenced Allograft diseases Are those in which cancerous cells are spread between individuals of the same species by physical contact.

124- “Rare species Are those that are so uncommon that they should be monitored to determine whether their populations are becoming threatened”.

125- The fords were difficult to establish, often carried: the only durable ones Are those of Mirabeau and Pertuis, unusable in periods of crues.

126- Finally, “C” issues Are those on which Reformed, orthodox Christians can disagree, & which do not violate the system of doctrine of the EPC.

127- Leibniz, Fifth letter to Samuel Clarke Unoccupied regions Are those that could have objects in them, and thus spatial relations with other places.

128- Beyond Film Hope maintains several blogs, including Bowl Of Noses (a curated site for children age 6+), These Are those Things, and Truly Free Film.

129- ” al-Awaasim Minal Qawaasim (pg.222) He also said, “Where Are those historians who wrote against Yazeed in mentioning alcohol and open sinning, do they not have any shame?

130- Jose Blas Vega and Manuel Rios Ruiz Cinterco (1985) Diccionario Flamenco (“Flamenco Dictionary”) History The oldest extant examples of this song form Are those of Manuel Torre.

131- Jugos (juice) Are those made mixing real fruit pulp with water and ice.

132- ” Workaholics Are those who work compulsively at the expense of other activities.

133- The only remaining copies Are those sent to the company’s retail stores for display.

134- Maletilla or espontáneo Are those who illegally jump into the ring and attempt to bullfight.

135- Globally generated sheaves Are those with enough sections to define a morphism to projective space.

136- The recipes, projects, and attitudes emphasized Are those that espouse a back-to-the-land mentality.

137- The only implicit conversions by default Are those that are considered safe, such as widening of integers.

138- Mixing by Scalar or Topological Characteristics Scalar characteristics of a node Are those that are quantitative.

139- In Peace studies, enemies Are those entities who are perceived as frustrating or preventing achievement of a goal.

140- Unreferenced Middle market companies Are those with revenues generally between US$100 million and $1 billion per year.

141- The 96 southern electoral districts Are those defined for federal electoral purposes in 2003, based on the 2001 census.

142- The super-rich, according to Beeghley, Are those able to live off their wealth without depending on occupation-derived income.

143- Legacy members Are those individuals who joined the Association before the end of the first annual conference (November, 1999).

144- Years given Are those during which ducal titles incontestably were held, regardless of subsequent status as monarchs or former royalty.

145- BPS vortices, which Are those vortices that preserve some supersymmetry, have masses which are given by the FI term of the gauge theory.

146- The arms in the upper sinister quarter Are those of George III combined with Queen Charlotte’s.

147- SQL92 Other forms of DML Are those used by IMS /DLI, CODASYL databases, such as IDMS and others.

148- Time periods given here Are those when the raptor has historically been counted on half or more days.

More Sentences: 1234
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