Are-those in a sentence 2

Use ‘Are those’ in a sentence | ‘Are those’ example sentences

50- Archaeologists Are those who hunt for clues about the lifestyles of ancient peoples.

51- Among the Internet sites that publish information on education related businesses Are those given below.

52- Among the critics Are those who think that the objective set for the European Central Bank is not appropriate.

53- Hannah More once noted that obstacles Are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

54- William Ward once remarked that wise Are those who learn that the bottom line doesn’t always have to be their top priority.

55- Heck, with oboe players there Are those who, rather than search for a reed that suits them, find it faster to make their own.

56- Paul Nation has noted that the most successful second language students Are those who use several different vocabulary learning strategies.

57- Studies show that those with a family history of suicide are two and a half times more likely to take their own life than Are those without such a history.

58- Discussion question: Discuss the following statement: The people who advance the most quickly in a job Are those who do so by stepping on the people below them.

59- Thomas Hardy once wrote, “Everybody is so talented nowadays that the only people I care to honor as deserving real distinction Are those who remain in obscurity.

60- “Sound travels more quickly though water than through air because sound uses molecules to travel, and the molecules in water are much closer together than Are those in the air.

61- New Year’s Resolutions How Are those ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ going?

62- But even here, there Are those who propagate adherence to Sharia law.

63- And then there Are those who are convinced they should get immunized.

64- On this day, it seems the only sad faces Are those on the losing teaMs. But entrapment arguments are rare; rarer still Are those which succeed.

65- Then there Are those who just think things will never catch up to them.

66- Films I like Are those that stay with you after you’ve seen them, he said.

67- So for now, the most important boundaries Are those of Amazon’s good taste.

68- “There Are those instances when a prosecutor gets too involved in the case.

69- So Are those in Euro countries more productive than those in other nations?

70- The only people who don’t understand Are those who don’t want to understand.

71- Then there Are those that discover that all of the above still isn’t enough.

72- And then there Are those who delegate their work to you during their vacation.

73- Entertainment Tonight ‘Criminal Minds’ first look: ‘What Are those two up to?’

74- The women who make a difference Are those who refuse to be defined by stereotypes.

75- The report finds that the biggest winners since the seventies Are those 65 and over.

76- 777213There Are those that believe deceiving dementia patients breaches their trust.

77- 375089In the shadows, however, there Are those who are profiting, among them Karlsson.

78- “Specifically mentioned Are those working in Sociology and Women’s Studies classrooms.”

79- The true scientists Are those who admit when their experiments don’t yield anything new.

80- “Massacres only matter if the people being massacred Are those of privilege,” Zayid said.

81- The targets Are those that are making money on their lives and too often on their deaths.

82- “There Are those who believe that Faron should be honoured, and that’s what they’re doing.

83- 777214There Are those who are afraid of using wood as their flooring throughout the house.

84- 393814I think the most important priorities Are those five, with terrorism being the first.”

85- Then there Are those who argue this is just a healthy blip and that stocks will keep going up.

86- “One of the things we’re striving to radically change Are those absurd margins,” Resnick says.

87- “Our biggest advocates Are those that are already on the program and using their app frequently.

88- But, she added, “I think that we need to be smart about deciding who Are those dangerous people.”

89- A sense that women who have abortions Are those whom the maternal instinct has given a wide berth.

90- All those aforementioned policies that shape the balance of power in the economy Are those inputs.

91- “That’s the thing because the only people who want to vote ‘yes’ Are those who have a lot of money.

92- Then there Are those who just quit and leave, hoping the companies won’t be able to track them down.

93- The external borders Are those that, when traversed, take a person from outside the EU to inside it.

94- Are those plans located a long distance, and/or under tunnels or across bridges, from your apartment?

95- The views expressed Are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher.

96- Who Are those who give an account for my soul?

97- Maybe there Are those adrift who had no anchor point.

98- How Are those businesses expected to stay afloat and keep those people in employment?

99- The only aggressors permitted to exist Are those who fight back.

More Sentences: 1234
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