remote possibility in a sentence

Use “remote possibility” in a sentence | “remote possibility” example sentences

1- It had been a remote possibility , but it had existed.

2- I think it’s a more remote possibility .

3- Psychic impressions between us seemed a remote possibility .

4- Unifying the nation and repelling imperialism seemed a very remote possibility .

5- But let ‘s face it: That’s a remote possibility .

6- West Bank elections and an Israeli withdrawal still seem a remote possibility .

7- This seems to us like a remote possibility for explaining the results.

8- A move over to Anfield seems like a remote possibility at this point .

9- Personally, I discount this as a remote possibility , not a probability.

10- It remains a remote possibility but the terms of the divorce would be critical .

11- This rendered the prospects of their returning and continuing Rock Strata a remote possibility .

12- He called collapse “at this stage a much more remote possibility ” than protracted crisis.

13- More remote possibilities are comparison with the Phoenician abjad or the Byblos syllabary.

14- There is only a remote possibility of the redemption of the Helmers’ marriage.

15- Pardon me if I am too jealous and suspicious to confide in this remote possibility .

16- In this journey of discovery, seeking other transgender persons may not seem such a remote possibility .

17- The story of low interest rates make this more than a remote possibility for bonds in 2013.

18- Still , there is a remote, remote possibility , so it’s kind of worth discussing.

19- ESP ‘a remote possibility ‘; and 9 per cent rated it ‘an impossibility’.

20- On the other hand, there is just the remote possibility that someone will invent it tomorrow.

21- Victory in November seemed a remote possibility , with the party not simply split but divided three ways.

22- Consequently, ‘risk’ must be something more than a remote possibility but less than a probability.

23- Sex a remote possibility .

24- For my own particular individuality, total perfection is the remotest of remote possibilities , given my mental equipment.

25- More grandiose possibilities, including the enlarged Ferris wheel and a hotel, are mentioned as more remote possibilities .

26- He said there was a remote possibility that it was a mixture of blood from Nevill and June.

27- But as parents, we often don’t even consider the remote possibility that… wait for it….

28- The Turks are deeply worried that the emergence of a “Greater Kurdistan” is no longer a remote possibility .

29- The consequences of not attempting to defibrillate a patient outweigh the remote possibility that some of these devices may fail.

30- Under this test, the threshold for liability is “a real risk, as opposed to a remote possibility “.

31- And an even remoter possibility as we baked in a toll queue vibrating with the beat from umpteen cassettes and radios.

32- It was inconsistent for Penwith to say that this was an obvious risk and also that it was a remote possibility .

33- There is nothing to imply there is infectious process, but our mind is open to everything, including that remote possibility .

34- For the remote possibility that Ptolemy VI had another daughter of marriageable age at this time, see discussion under Cleopatra II .

35- Speaking on the 2011 Syrian uprisings in August 2011 Hague said of military intervention: “It’s not a remote possibility .

36- On the other hand, a minority of researchers discuss the remote possibility of a Luwian origin in connection with the name.

37- He promised to urge rejection of the treaty if there was even the remote possibility that the army could make a stand.

38- All in all, there is a remote possibility that a tureen of glistening molluscs will leave your intended gagging for it.

39- But if I “knew” that I’d been designed, I’d probably have a little more interest in that tidbit, and that brings us right back to that short list, and I just can’t get into a frame of mind where God’s even a remote possibility .

40- There is still a very remote possibility that asteroid 1999 AN10 could pass by Earth in 2027 in such a way as to return in the year 2039 on an impacting trajectory.

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