planted in a sentence 8

Use ‘planted’ in a sentence | ‘planted’ example sentences

345- And should they be planted or attached to rock/wood etc.

346- And yes, I can’t wait to start up the new planted tank!

347- A neighbour reported that the mother had goneto work in the field, they have planted some veggies and mealies.

348- A new company called was born out of a necessity, and now many people are jumping on the popularity of the planted aquarium hobby in South Africa.

349- Anyway, looking for one to get back into the planted tank side.

350- A place for aquatic flora and fauna enthusiasts Whether you have a question to ask or a planted tank to show off, this is the place.

351- A planted tank is not such an environment unfortunately.

352- Areas which are already planted can be ‘top dressed’ with compost or organic matter.

353- A relatively small tree, growing well in both sun and shade, it has a non-invasive root so can be planted 2 meters from a building or a pool.

354- Are you going planted tank with this one?

355- As a gift to a friend, Lita once arranged a crane to lift a massive ‘botterboom’ (Tylecodon paniculatus), that she planted from a +-10cm cutting of 15-20 years ago, from her nursery to be replanted.

356- As early as 1877 massive dongas in the landscape were described by a missionary, by the 1890s trees had disappeared from all but the most remote mountain areas and those planted by missionaries and colonial administrators (Eldredge 1993, 60).

357- “As humans we always search for a main source of life; to me, text and words stand out, as seeds that are planted to develop our thought process and what essentially makes us human,” says Mashaba.

358- As part of Arbor week celebrations, Dube TradePort has planted a variety of 130 indigenous plants at the Mount Moreland Conservancy viewing area.

359- A total of 76 495 hectares (ha) were put under production, 5294 ha were rehabilitated for production and 1 504 ha of forests were planted in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape.

360- A tree planted by the…

361- At the moment I have a problem with small ramshorns all over my one planted tank, and it is a real mission to control them, but the manual zucchini method is bearing fruit.

362- Below is a photo of the tomatoes I planted less than a week ago.

363- Bit low on stock for planted tanks – maybe that is a good thing, but a very nice shop that I will certainly return to in the future.

364- BN’s moved the anubias around that was planted on the new rock – Oh well.

365- Brazil’s first-season maize is planted in September and harvested in March, while the larger second-season safrinha crop is planted after the early-season soya bean harvest, typically in January and February.

366- But now the wild side seed has been planted in Jarrett — his animal nature is coming out, and he doesn,t know how to control The Change.

367- But towards the end, with a possible victory looming, he planted Hammond in a wheelchair and proceeded to push his stricken team mate.

368- But while MaXhosa is all grown up now, he says he has his feet firmly planted on the ground and has plans that go further than fashion and into the lifestyle arena too.

369- Call it gravel which it should not be as normally gravel has a grain size in excess of 4.5mm and for a planted tank you really want to stick with a grain size in the 1-3mm size which is normally what one would call coarse sand.

370- Can it be planted in the substrate?

371- Cauliflower, Melons, or Pumpkins planted in a 3×3 pattern can randomly combine into a giant crop.

372- Certain species of trees are planted in crops in South Africa specifically for the paper and wood industries, with a small percentage harvested for use each year which are then replanted within the same year.

373- Copper beech needs to be planted in full sun to thrive and so that you gain the full aesthetic impact of the light shining through their burnished.

374- Corn (Zea mays L.) or maize as it is known in South Africa, is the largest produced field crop and is planted throughout the country under diverse environments.

375- Cover crops are planted between vineyard rows to reduce soil evaporation levels, keep the soil cool during the warm summer months, improve the soil, and suppress weeds.

376- Crop germination was not great, due to crows eating planted seeds.

377- Cucumbers grow well when planted with nasturtiums, radishes, marigolds, sunflowers, peas, beets, carrots, and dill.

378- Currently I have planted yellow maize on contract and in winter I am planning to plant barley.

379- Damon flew in via helicopter to Glenwood at 07:45 and handed over a tree to the Acting Principal Mrs Andri Barnes, which will be planted at Glenwood.

380- Dec 07, 20180183;32;In July 2017, a record 66 million trees were planted in 12 hours by 1.5 million volunteers in Madhya Pradesh, India. more The chemical element of manganese turns up in a number of different applications.

381- Despite the persistent assumptions that Black people in South Africa do not have any agricultural knowledge, she has explained to me how her family used to live on crops they planted themselves.

382- Do I keep Discus in a planted tank?

383- Do not know much about planted tanks at this stage still learning, a link of what I’ve done so far.

384- Dr Mhlongo and his wife have planted a seed.

385- Dr M Tau, Deputy Director-General in Forestry and Natural Resources Management, replied that figures for areas planted are standing at 3193.

386- Each chalet has a sloping vegetated roof planted with indigenous species such as succulents, aloes, shrubs and grasses.

387- Eastern Cape native, Khanya Siyengo, (known to the public as “Kyeezi, The Tall Wonder”), has firmly planted his creative and aspirational roots in the beautiful city of Cape Town.

388- Elephant garlic cloves planted in fall usually produce a half-pound bulb comprised of 4 to 5 big, mild-flavored cloves in early summer.

389- ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Contrary to general belief, planted and naturalized stands of introduced species facilitate the recovery of natural evergreen forests and their diversity.

390- Expansion of Rekopane Estates will see another 68ha of new table grape varieties and 60ha of citrus fruit being planted.

391- 287 more results not shown.

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