parallels in a sentence

Use ‘parallels’ in a sentence | ‘parallels’ example sentences

1- Economic control of members parallels psychological manipulation.

2- There are no exact parallels between languages.

3- The parallels with climate science are quite wrong.

4- This seemingly unfavorable behavior parallels some vertebrate systems.

5- The parallels to “modern” thinking are astounding.

6- The parallels with painting are immediately apparent.

7- The parallels with the car industry are obvious.

8- Chuck would constantly draw parallels between golf and life.

9- You get odd parallels in real life too.

10- There are significant parallels between film and commodity studies in geography.

11- The parallels with that coffin poem are evident.

12- The parallels extend to the mother figures.

13- These parallels make the novella somewhat autobiographical.

14- The play contains a fair number of political parallels .

15- There are several parallels in their lives.

16- What parallels may be drawn between royal prerogative and parliamentary privilege?

17- The parallels between the two versions are clear.

18- Stalin was fascinated by the historical parallels .

19- An awesome episode with interesting parallels and layers .

20- It parallels much of my own thinking .

21- This concept has parallels in ancient religions and body practices.

22- The parallels are stated, not reasoned.

23- But there are irresistible parallels , too.

24- The parallels with Ireland really are remarkable.

25- Worker subculture is fascinating, with numerous real world parallels .

26- This pipeline parallels the crude oil pipeline across Burma.

27- Buddhist thought and Western philosophy include several interesting parallels .

28- Several reviewers drew parallels between mainstream pop acts and Annie.

29- Some administrators drew parallels from British society.

30- Sometimes parallels to Russia are drawn directly.

31- There are great parallels with manufacturing, albeit 50 years behind.

32- He draws parallels between several characters in both author’s novels.

33- Our experience in Iraq has many parallels .

34- There are interesting parallels in today’s world.

35- The highway roughly parallels U.S. Route 90.

36- It is interesting to make the parallels .

37- Curious parallels and strong contrasts exist between the two groups.

38- This finding could have parallels in humans.

39- I think there are some parallels here.

40- The students’ procedure parallels the story problems they had created. The road parallels the river.

41- The road parallels the river for a few miles.

42- His background parallels that of his predecessor.

43- His humble background parallels that of his predecessor.

44- The traditional music of Quebec has many parallels with that of Ireland.

45- Police investigators working on the case have noticed a number of parallels with other unsolved murders in the state.

46- Studies show that women’s work in the labor force parallels their work at home, they nurture others, cook and serve food, etc.

47- It’s not explicitly about Hamilton, either, but the parallels are there.

48- 412534It’s kind of strange, actually, there are a lot of parallels between us.

49- I see absolute parallels between the Donbas conflict and the first Chechen war.

50- The parallels between psychology and the films have been commented on previously.

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