subtle in a sentence 2

Use ‘subtle’ in a sentence | ‘subtle’ example sentences

50- Many problems are caused by the subtle modification of a river system as a result of urbanization.

51- His sense of humor is quite subtle, so sometimes it’s hard to know if he is joking or if he’s serious.

52- The Monarch butterfly can discern tastes 12,000 times more subtle than those perceivable by human taste buds.

53- Doctors warn that many of the symptoms of diabetes can be so subtle that they often go ignored for 10-15 years.

54- Stop trying to make us follow all these subtle clues.

55- I wish you would say what you want to say more clearly.

56- Her novels have a common theme which is often quite subtle, but is nonetheless important to the outcome of the story.

57- In my experience, I’ve generally found communication to be a subtle art.

58- Offence is often taken, but rarely intended.

59- The subtle humor of the film, combined with the real tenderness between the characters, make it one of the best movies of the year.

60- The qualities that make a Stradivarius violin superior to fine modern violins are so subtle that the average listener cannot detect them.

61- Karl Marx believed that the dominant few encourage religious faith among the masses as a subtle tool in the process of economic exploitation.

62- In Burundi, whispered singing is a technique of singing quietly enough to allow for the subtle sounds of the traditional instruments to be clearly heard.

63- Louis Pasteur once observed that science advances through tentative answers to a series of more and more subtle questions which reach deeper and deeper into the essence of natural phenomena.

64- Research shows that there is a small number of individuals who experience great difficulties in learning foreign languages because they may have some subtle processing difficulties in their native language.

65- It plays on your perception of reality in a subtle, subconscious way.

66- Many of the barbs needed little translation but some were more subtle.

67- Though Sanders didn’t mention Clinton by name, the jabs weren’t subtle.

68- Exploring subtle colours Spring and summer – that’s nature showing off.

69- 99365Baseball is a very subtle game in a lot of ways,”” Shamsky said.”

70- Hidden within those stories is a subtle, yet powerful message: “I see you.

71- The subtle message is that he is a regular Joe, a family man, just like us.

72- His expression in this photograph may be subtle to the viewer, but not to me.

73- Cue much discussion about what subtle message the company is trying to convey.

74- A great way to start is by developing these six subtle secrets of body language.

75- 407350It’s a subtle, but profound double standard, and it needs to be acknowledged.

76- 711461The earthy sweetness from the chestnuts gives the pudding a subtle sweetness.

77- In addition to the health issues, her time in the camp has impacted her in subtle ways.

78- But according to Sebastian, political intimidation continues under a more subtle guise.

79- We are subjected to subtle racism, through snide comments and small everyday prejudices.

80- So what’s behind the not-so-subtle reminder that there’s more to life than Java, C and PHP?

81- The not-so-subtle dig referenced Clinton’s stop at Chipotle while driving to Iowa this week.

82- Hegar’s performance is not as emotive as it is telling in her subtle looks and longing gazes.

83- It’s modern-day labour-saving I’m talking about, those subtle things that are now commonplace.

84- McKeon firm’s new website is hardly subtle about his objectives, with the headline “RESPONSIVE.

85- It appears broadly obvious when I describe it, but it was subtle and moving when seen on stage.

86- But compared to the aesthetics of the PC gaming past, these new creations are positively subtle.

87- Still, there could be a subtle acknowledgement of the greater historical significance of the day.

88- subtle word choices could make a difference, and she changed a lot of the scripts as she recorded.

89- Schaeffer isn’t exactly subtle with exposition, either: “But when you turned 16, something changed.”

90- Advocates say these “disparate impact” claims are key to fighting subtle instances of discrimination.

91- The taste of blueberries is enhanced by the subtle anise taste of the basil, notes owner Linda Parker.

92- I keep finding Witcher analogies, I wouldn’t be surprised if I start speaking in a raspy, subtle tone.

93- It’s that sort of subtle, passive aggressive language that they use and it does soak in a little bit.”

94- A subtle A-frame and hanging sign sit outside the red door.

95- Fly agarics have been featured in paintings since the Renaissance, albeit in a subtle manner.

96- VH1 ‘s Behind the Music said the song “became a subtle anti-war anthem”.

97- “Design Notebook: Urban Sculpture That Strikes A subtle Balance,” New York Times, http://query.

98- Diamond Rio 2009, pp. 240 241. Control of the tongue can have subtle resonance changes and give greater flexibility to the range.

99- Genelines trade genetic material, power, money and influence with one another as part of the subtle interplay of Shaper politics.

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