Use ‘spreading’ in a sentence | ‘spreading’ example sentences
1- The “journal impact factor” rebellion is spreading .
2- The official says online harassment is spreading among young users .
3- All goes swell until the polio epidemic starts spreading .
4- Make compost spreading much easier using the proper resources.
5- Cindy has been working on spreading manure.
6- Executive share option schemes are also spreading .
7- A malignant consensus is spreading across our nation.
8- The internet is fantastic for spreading information.
9- The shaped spreading base has a pierced gallery.
10- She is spreading lies and making false claims.
11- We hope they introduce ideas worth spreading .
12- THIS man has been accused of spreading race hatred.
13- Economic chaos and political disintegration are spreading rapidly.
14- The woody root system is widely spreading and relatively shallow.
15- This process is known as emphasis spreading .
16- This “pinch” was also spreading worldwide.
17- It has huge commercial market spreading across the town.
18- Disorder spreading and intensifying has become universal.
19- Buddhists today are involved in spreading environmental awareness.
20- This trend has continued today and is spreading north.
21- An insect is spreading a fatal disease.
22- A collection of services spreading global awareness.
23- The midnight screening phenomenon was spreading around the country.
24- Transparency may help prevent crises spreading through the banking system.
25- This spreading of energy causes several problems.
26- Control through deliberately spreading disease is normally not considered.
27- The bunch type is upright to spreading .
28- In fact the phenomenon discussed later called spreading occurs.
29- How much is evoked by spreading stain!
30- Use free social media accounts to start spreading word.
31- Other mountain building processes include volcanoes and sea floor spreading .
32- By spreading share ownership, individual exposure is considerably reduced.
33- The 4G service is spreading fast globally.
34- TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading novel ideas.
35- This company has refused to stop spreading poison around the world!
36- And government reports on manufacturing and construction showed economic weakness spreading .
37- Help is requested with spreading the word.
38- Through the animal kingdom the news was spreading fast.
39- You may help keep the fire from spreading .
40- A virus spreading throughout systems the world over. She tried to prevent the rumor from spreading.
41- The rumor that she’s getting married is spreading around town.
42- Immediate action is required to keep the epidemic from spreading.
43- The men had to work quickly to keep the oil spill from spreading.
44- Conditions in the refugee camp are very bad and disease is spreading quickly.
45- Doctors had to cut away some infected tissue to keep the disease from spreading.
46- I don’t want you spreading any rumors, so just keep this information to yourself.
47- The government didn’t take appropriate measures to prevent the infection from spreading.
48- AIDS is spreading with horrifying rapidity through certain parts of the African continent.
49- Our hands are recognized by medical professionals as a major source for spreading flu and cold gerMs. The army is now using fragmentation bombs, which burst into tiny pieces upon explosion, spreading damage over a much wider area than conventional bombs.
50- There is a long list of Western spiritual gurus spreading the word too.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
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