Use ‘spreading’ in a sentence | ‘spreading’ example sentences
51- Santillan said firefighters were able to keep the flames from spreading.
52- The virus is still spreading in West Africa, especially in Sierra Leone.
53- Turn croissant mixture into pan, spreading it out evenly over the bottom.
54- SoftBank envisions Pepper as a first step in spreading robotics worldwide.
55- The wings of a hawk, spreading across NGC 7000, the North American Nebula.
56- Fire crews were able to keep the fire from spreading to nearby structures.
57- 781095There is no risk of it spreading, spokesman Gabriel Plus told AFP.”
58- Yakima fire quickly doused the flames, preventing it from spreading further.
59- Firefighters were able to keep the fire from spreading to neighbouring homes.
60- We are a country of law, not part of the anarchy spreading around us, he added.
61- Whereas gentoos are increasing where we monitor them and possibly spreading out.
62- Diversification isn’t about spreading your risk for sake of spreading your risk.
63- The new director said the shelter’s biggest challenge is spreading their message.
64- They are also spreading the word about the importance of becoming an organ donor.
65- 405843It’s also spreading to Whitstable, Hastings, Ramsgate and Southend-on-Sea.
66- CDC: ‘Nightmare bacteria’ spreading CNN’s Dottie Evans contributed to this report.
67- Her actions ensured that the fast-spreading viral infection was quickly contained.
68- He says the government is doing little to stop inflammatory content from spreading.
69- Since it began spreading 30 years ago, AIDS has killed 40 million people worldwide.
70- They were convicted of spreading false news and aiding the banned Muslim Brotherhood.
71- 895257Wash hands before you get in the buffet line (to prevent you spreading germs).
72- The Sanders campaign needs to immediately stop spreading this utterly false innuendo.
73- He also publicly identified three Twitter users who he said were spreading falsehoods.
74- We saw streams spreading the contamination into a wider area, where people live and farm.
75- He’ll have to settle for spreading the truth about the “Pechu Sandwich” by word of mouth.
76- He is accused of spreading false news and supporting Egypt’s outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.
77- 381152IS affiliate Boko Haram is devoting more effort to spreading its extremist message.
78- We’re out here just kind of spreading the love, over the top of New Orleans, Hammond said.
79- Since it began spreading 30 years ago, AIDS has killed around 40 million people worldwide.
80- They are accused of spreading false information and helping the banned Muslim Brotherhood.
81- Fires in the West are becoming more common and many of them are spreading over larger areas.
82- McDonald’s post started spreading on Facebook and he received a lot of feedback from people.
83- Her detection raised fears that the infection may be spreading in a new area of the country.
84- A social organization intent on spreading an empowering message, “Live Life – 7 days a week.
85- Simply by not vaccinating your child against a fast-spreading, dangerous disease like measles?
86- The organization, from southern Italy, has seen its power grow in recent years, spreading north.
87- A month’s worth of body scans showed no signs of the cancer spreading outside the prostate area.
88- Reverse mentoring is one tactic that could prove effective in spreading the data science gospel.
89- And we need to be more creative in spreading the word about healthy eating and physical activity.
90- The fire burned through the roof and firefighters prevented it from spreading to nearby buildings.
91- Mann thanked the public and the media for spreading the word, but said the rest is up to the court.
92- From his hospital bed, Zhou told state broadcaster CCTV that the fire was spreading out of control.
93- That change, under Bush, would be initiated by an American-led domino theory of spreading democracy.
94- What do you think is the true meaning of Islam, and why do you think the wrong message is spreading?
95- Every time it rains here the streets are blocked and it reeks constantly, and its spreading viruses.”
96- Keeping ahead of a spreading Nazism, Werfel, a Jew, settled in an old mill in southern France.
97- “Evidence from Islands on the spreading of Ocean Floors”.
98- The flowers have a slender tube 3-4 cm long, with spreading petal lobes.
99- The spreading building footprint is to accommodate spacious classroom size.
100- This shrub grows flat and spreading to erect, approaching two meters in maximum size.
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