slackening in a sentence

Use ‘slackening’ in a sentence | ‘slackening’ example sentences

1- Anything less that full forward results in the spring slackening off.

2- Language usage contributed to this slackening of clerical resistance.

3- The rain seemed to be slackening a little.

4- Success has another effect, which is that of slackening effort.

5- There was an appreciable slackening in the enemy’s fire.

6- Jim replied breathlessly, without slackening the pace.

7- Declining prices were attributed to a slackening in manufacturing demand.

8- Charles could feel his resolve slackening , but made one last effort.

9- But now his father was slackening the pace and looking round him.

10- Not, surely, to induce any slackening of effort or vigilance.

11- The rate of accumulation increased, rather than the growth of output slackening .

12- The other must be adjusted by slipping the ring after slackening the knot.

13- The income side of the budget practically collapsed with the slackening of tourism revenues.

14- In many instances of collapse there is a slackening of social rules and etiquette.

15- I’m getting old: slackening of desire, less semen, slower glands.

16- I pointed out that by slackening our programme efforts we would simply court mediocrity.

17- It means that any slackening of energy will lead to a rapid slow-down.

18- Not so much a smile, perhaps, as a slackening around his mouth.

19- Motor and engineering margins were hit by relocations, rather than any slackening in demand.

20- Rain pushed through, her pace slackening as she regretted not fixing an exact meeting place.

21- Toward the end Kirke felt the clasp of the burning fingers slackening round his hand.

22- Sagging breast is a sign of slackening of the connective tissues induced by the aging process.

23- Commercial real estate markets in the region have shown further signs of slackening since the last report.

24- slackening my speed, I was greatly vexed that my shadow should check its pace also.

25- Although the classics were still important, their grip was slackening in a competitive and utilitarian age.

26- Further evidence of slackening efforts was the reduction in a number of countries’ energy efficiency budgets.

27- They are written by people who have a slackening grip on the friendly hand of reality.

28- A major employment agency notes recent weakening in hiring activity and some general slackening in the labor markets.

29- Both high clew sheet tension tightening the foot and a tighter backstay cause slackening of the leech.

30- The sudden slackening of the wind shot the BMW forward as if he had released the brakes.

31- A slackening of social customs occurred on all social levels; extramarital relationships and illegitimate children were common.

32- Larger pretensioned forces may be required to prevent cable slackening so as to enhance the load carrying capacity.

33- That surprised me and I put it down to Christmas and a slight slackening of my efforts.

34- There was a distinctive slackening in the role of the Election Commission since the first two phases.

35- More accidents may result because cars usually run closer together than at other times without slackening their speed commensurately.

36- One additional benefit of adjustable string tension is that it can allow tightening to compensate for natural string slackening .

37- The trains time her life, crashing through fitful dreams at night, slackening off in the early hours.

38- His skin was slackening .

39- If the cables are not prestressed, slackening occurs in all the cables when multiple point loads are applied.

40- But when the stage from the village came, it passed right by the house without slackening its speed. Depression is a period marked by slackening of business activity, widespread unemployment, falling prices, and wages, etc.

41- Ligachev also stated earlier that “the slackening of state discipline” was “among the reasons for the troubled state of the economy”.

42- slackening these screws allows rotation between the lens and the camera body.

43- They occasionally halted, and entered into consultation, and then, slackening their pace, gradually advanced until within a hundred yards of the Moorunde tribe.

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