slackly in a sentence

Use ‘slackly’ in a sentence | ‘slackly’ example sentences

1- The fellow’s mouth opened slackly and fear flared in his eyes.

2- A cigarette dangles slackly in his mouth.

3- Hilda collapsed slackly on to the divan bed.

4- Snow on slopes is generally slackly bonded, with wind redistributing it.

5- He was grinning again, slackly .

6- There was a banner slung slackly over it advertising a fete.

7- The important point about disillusioned youth is somewhat slackly followed up in the book.

8- Purse-strings, whether tightly or slackly held, tend faithfully to trace lines of power.

9- Few of them were caused by melancholy to sit staring slackly into the middle distance.

10- The hand reaching out for the bell had fallen slackly over the edge of the bed.

11- They were shown up to a double room, and Paul stood slackly , wetting his lips.

12- She leaned slackly against the square pillar in the middle of the row of columns which divided room from terrace, and looked into the snowy distance.

13- At times, when the animal is standing slackly , she is hollow backed, but usually the back is as shown in the drawing.

14- They are sealed by the pressure of the gas, as the pressure rises, a slackly threaded cap presses up against a sealing ring which is screwed down with another cap, thus making an airtight seal.

15- During the latter part of the work much of the cable was found to be looped and twisted into ‘kinks’ from having been so slackly laid and two immense tangled skeins were raised on board, one by means of the mast-head and fore-yard tackle.

16- Both are based on classical form but differ from it to the extent that … they were considered prolix and slackly constructed by some critics.

17- For a moment the flesh hung slackly on his face as he gaped at the damage, and then he sucked up his lips and took a deep breath.

18- Ghost Train to the Eastern Star is too long — a third as long again as the book of the original journey — and sometimes slackly written.

19- Like the best fakers from the snake world, it displays a slackly open mouth with its tongue lolling out, and its eyes are half-closed.

20- ‘Aw, man,’ Ash said, sitting back slackly in her seat.

21- He waved his spoon slackly , pointing it vaguely upstairs, then said: ‘How long would you say the flex on the telephone is?’

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