slack in a sentence

Use ‘slack’ in a sentence | ‘slack’ example sentences

1- The blue lips were slack under the horn cup.

2- The rope round his neck went slack .

3- His father played slack key and trombone.

4- Your lead rope should be quite slack .

5- Its far too easy to slack off .

6- It should also offer a little slack .

7- This was something new for slack key.

8- But the opposite happened in slack periods.

9- The extra slack will let the kite fall down gently.

10- Each contained one “severe slack ” that required slow running.

11- Passive writing is not necessarily slack and indirect.

12- This generally equates to “no visible slack “.

13- The service sector picked up the slack .

14- That sort of shift surely indicates a completely slack market .

15- If noisy restaurants bother you, try visiting during slack times.

16- The snow didn’t slack off for 36 hours.

17- Ah yes Steve slack lines till June eh !

18- slack water usually occurs near high water and low water.

19- Should we cut these girls so much slack ?

20- But then suddenly I all went slack .

21- A suitcase vomiting clothes from its deep, slack mouth.

22- Where the net should be very slack it becomes much tighter.

23- You certainly did not cut her any slack ?

24- The result is that lawyers are taking up the slack .

25- If i slack off, things will crash.

26- Thankfully Picard is taking up the slack .

27- Except for our tent the camp routine is slack .

28- I was left with ample slack line in the water.

29- Giving her any slack is a bad idea.

30- But these teens aren’t being cut any slack .

31- The inefficiency of workers is known as slack time.

32- I doubt that they really cut second semester any slack .

33- Due the single piece design, only minimal slack was possible.

34- Not cutting people some slack results in mess.

35- My opinion, cut her some slack .

36- Is there still significant slack in the labor market?

37- His lips were slack , his mouth still full of food.

38- Thankfully the offensive slack was picked up by others.

39- Some slack should be given to him.

40- Leave a lot of empty seats to provide more slack weight . We tend to slack off after many hours of hard work.

41- The veteran hunched over, cupping both hands over a slack-jawed mouth.

42- And while you’re doing this, remember to cut yourself some slack, too.

43- Fed officials cite low wage growth as a sign of slack in the labor market.

44- As we noted in our statement, slack in the labor market continues to diminish.

45- Richards said Planned Parenthood would be ready to pick up the slack if needed.

46- slack’s integrations with other apps and services led to further creative uses.

47- The bench picked up the slack in a big way, outscoring the Rockets’ bench 70-13.

48- Most people also have networks of relatives available nearby to pick up the slack.

49- As the PC industry enters a slack season, Lee expects the price decline to deepen.

50- It cited the specter of deflation and slack in the euro area as reasons for the move.

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