tailbone in a sentence

How to use the word tailbone in a sentence

I went straight down and almost cracked my tailbone .

I suffered from a 2nd degree tear and bruised tailbone .

The space between was to fit one’s tailbone .

The examination is determined by pain on pressure on the tailbone .

This should feel comfortable and should be easier on your tailbone .

Fell on my butt, fractured my tailbone .

His injuries included several broken bones and ribs along with a bruised tailbone .

The last three to five coccygeal vertebrae form the tailbone or coccyx.

After an hour or so….ouch!… tailbone ache.

Pain at the coccyx ( tailbone ) is known as coccydynia.

Electrical device – may be implanted into the tailbone area to control urine flow.

The coccyx, or tailbone , is the remnant of a lost tail.

Back injuries have the potential to cause problems anywhere between the tailbone and the neck.

Psychically it looks to me like a large ball of energy supporting the tailbone .

In bed, the most dangerous areas are the tailbone or buttocks and the heels.

Phylogeny and ontogeny , the tailbone ?

Kathleen was feeling the pain a lot further down, in the region of her tailbone .

Coccydynia – is a pain in the coccyx or tailbone area permanent or paroxysmal character.

After a suplex on the hard floor, Angle was thought to have cracked his tailbone .

I was coming down off the meds and they found I had a tailbone with servere arthritis.

The presence of pain in the coccyx or tailbone area area requires a study of finger rectum.

This exposes the backside, particularly the tailbone , small of the back, and the kidneys.

After the treatment my ankles had improved in strength and stability and my tailbone had relaxed during sit-ups.

Sliding forward makes it difficult to change position and places damaging pressure on the tailbone (coccyx).

Now, eight years later, KJ accompanied me to the tailbone of the San Joaquin Valley.

He had broken his tailbone a few days prior and we had some very entertaining nights as seen here .

This filament eventually blends with the dura mater and extends as far as the coccyx, or tailbone .

I landed with a jar–nothing serious–a bruised tailbone and some black and blues, maybe.

The pressure in this bundle is accompanied by a significant increase in pain in the coccyx or tailbone area.

You might break your tailbone with that kind of impact, even with the added protection of a seat.

In addition Buy Tadalafil without prescription ED I notice tailbone pain can be fixed by me how your doing.

Back pain can be divided anatomically: neck pain, middle back pain, lower back pain or tailbone pain.

Coccyx: The tailbone .

Use your butt muscles, tucking the tailbone , to get ugg boots for women power moving in your legs.

The partner then places the heel of their hands on the mom’s sacrum and presses downward towards the tailbone .

Its upper part connects with the last lumbar vertebra, and its lower part with the coccyx ( tailbone ).

Starting during the EC Ceremony when at a certain point I really felt my tailbone bend at a new joint.

Bedsores on the tailbone (coccyx), shoulder blades, hips, heals and elbows are the most common.

Instead of tucking your tailbone in , stick your butt out, because good posture relies much on the pelvis.

Back labour is a term for specific pain occurring in the lower back, just above the tailbone , during childbirth.