long tail in a sentence

How to use the word long tail in a sentence

Long tail keywords are less searched keywords.

Valve has always understood the long tail .

Features a long tail for holding rings.

Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing.

These types of products and services are called long tail items.

The long tail has possible implications for culture and politics.

Normal sperm have oval heads and long tails .

Heavy head, long tail , rectangular wings.

They both have very long front nails, and long tails .

This case will have a long long tail .

Finish off and leave a long tail for sewing.

Adult males have longer tails and claws than females.

The females clearly preferred the males with the longest tails .

There are businesses on top of the long tail .

But where was the ‘ long tail ‘?

However, long tail keywords are more proof against changes in algorithms.

The more tails lengthen, the more long tails are desired.

Its horizontal rump was balanced by a long tail .

What does your long tail tell you?

The strategies in this post work better for long tail keywords.

What do we mean today by the long tail ?

Many of them are far down the long tail of popularity.

The long tail cast into a network map!

The kite will fly fine, though a longer tail is recommended.

This results in a long tail power law distribution of completion times.

The breed has natural ears that fall downward and a long tail .

Look for more opportunities to appear in long tail geo queries .

The long tail itself is a statistical reality that will always exist.

The rest languish, forming part of the famous long tail .

A long tail fluttering behind almost any kite adds beauty and fun.

The long tail is dark brown above and white to light brown below.

There is not a lot going on in this long tail .

I think you underestimate the importance of the long tail .

All relatives got in free – we had a long tail family.

Twitter is a particular goldmine , even for long tail queries.

It had long legs, a long tail , and short arms.

Their long tails provides balance as they leap from branch to branch.

The proposal of adaptation ignores the long tail required to be ready .

The level back leads down to a long tail and deep chest.

It is a slender wraith-like creature with a long tail .