ear tag in a sentence

How to use the word ear tag in a sentence

All individuals were distinguished by ear tags .

Radioactive rhinos could be flagged ( bright ear tags ?

Ear tagging , ear tattooing, and microchipping are three of these.

An official USDA ear tag .

But ministry specialists believe that ear tags will be compulsory for all lambs exported for slaughter.

When performed at an early age, ear tagging seems to cause little or no discomfort to lambs.

Ear tags with numbers are attached, or ear marks are applied for ease of later identification of sheep.

The white bull seen in the video taken at Ismailia also appears to have an NLIS ear tag .

Provide plenty of shade and control external parasites with back rubbers, dust bags, sprays or ear tags .

Externally attached microchips such as RFID ear tags are commonly used to identify farm and ranch animals other than horses.

Insecticide ear tags and dust bags, along with systemic products, may be included in a fly control program.

In the case of the grizzly, each captured bear is tranquilized and then ear tagged with an identifying number.

Antler shape and facial characteristics were employed as aids to identify individuals when the ear tags on the deer were unclear.

I did regain better muscle tone in my snout, LEVOXYL is my ear tag serial number traceable to Forest Pharm.

A tamper-resistant ear tag approved by USDA -Animal Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) for use in the SFCP .

After lambs are stabilized, lamb marking is carried out – this includes ear tagging , docking, castration and usually vaccination.

Several methods of pesticide application are available such as dip, spray, dust, pour-on, self application and ear tags .

Electronic identification is where an electronic ear tag , microchip, or collar is placed on an animal by implanting the chip.

Some of the cattle in the videos taken at Ain Sokhna had visible NLIS ear tags , identifying them as Australian cattle.

A feral hog in Missouri is basically any swine that is roaming freely on public land or private land without permission and is not conspicuously identified by ear tags or other forms of identification.

The furry, potato-sized mammals wear colored ear tags that identify them by their home turf, enabling Stratton to track their movements.

Another issue was ear tags used to identify hares, with one ranger stating that “tags were coming off and infecting ears”.

There were just eleven cows, purebred Jerseys, and each had an old-fashioned cow name rather than a numbered ear tag to identify it.