tribe in a sentence

tribe meaning:

n.) A group of people having same culture and characteristics; or a racial, political, or social group

n.) A number of species or genera having certain structural characteristics in common;

n.) A division, class, or distinct portion of a people;

tribe sentence:

He has been the chief of his tribe for years.

The Zulu tribe in South Africa has its own language.

Traditions were passed on by the elders of the tribe.

The young man is trying to join the famous the tribe of journalists.

There are quite a lot of tribes in the world.

Many African tribes believe in reincarnation.

Nomadic tribes wander these deserts.

The two tribes lived in concord.

Wild tribes still inhabit part of the Philippines.

There is very little contact between the two tribes.

The Zulus conquered all the neighboring tribes.

The Romans hoped to civilize all the tribes in Europe.

In Africa the snake is still sacred with many tribes.

Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status.

The Sioux had always fought other tribes for territorial rights.

A movie has been made about the last remaining survivor of the tribe.

He sent a letter inviting Naomi to attend his installation as chief of his tribe.

The tribe has lived for generations in the inhospitable mountain regions of the country.

A council of elders governs the tribe.

The roots of the English language can be traced back to an ancient language spoken by tribes living in Asia and Europe.

Tribes had spent millions lobbying legislatures in 2004.

Germanic tribes charged tolls to travellers across mountain passes.

Hungarian tribes settled the territory 650 years later.

The women are demanding full equality with the men of their tribe.

The dictator forced the tribe to agree on the terms of surrender.

The communal land is cultivated by the womenfolk in the tribe.

Such an idiotic custom is still kept in that tribe.

The city became peaceful after this pact amongst different tribes .