trade talks in a sentence

trade talks in a sentence

1- The hostile environment of free trade talks between the two countries is expected to worsen due to the poor state of their economies.

2- The two countries began free trade talks in 2012 and reached a basic accord last July.

3- Representatives made a major breakthrough in the trade talks.

4- At stake is the success or failure of world trade talks.

5- Many want to abandon the multilateral trade talks in Geneva.

6- The stalemate in the trade talks continues.

7- The first round of multilateral trade talks has lurched between hope and despair.

8- The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise.

9- The trade talks never gained much traction .

10- GATT itself led to several rounds of multilateral trade talks .

11- trade talks arose after the conclusion of the 1954 season.

12- Brazil and Chile also suspended trade talks with Israel.

13- This holds the key to the eventual success of future trade talks .

14- Both called for the speedy conclusion of the GATT trade talks .

15- Another reminder of the 1930s is the recent breakdown of trade talks .

16- What is Singapore’s take on US apprehension over free trade talks ?

17- Farm subsidies in Asia remain a point of contention in global trade talks .

18- These trade talks are a way to try and call Palmer ‘s bluff.

19- He visited the U.S. several times for fund-raising, political and trade talks .

20- GATT’s Uruguay round of trade talks jolted into action again – just.

21- Prime Minister Tony Abbott is due in Japan later this month for trade talks .