tames in a sentence

tames in a sentence

1- Time tames the strongest grief.

2- He tames lions for the circus.

3- Critics of business assume that regulation is how government tames corporations.

4- Joey tames Jim’s “unbreakable” black stallion.

5- Henry eventually tames Satan, turning him into a racing legend.

6- Somehow , the baking tames the flavor of the seeds.

7- The child tames and plays with wild animals like lions and tigers.

8- They try to tame the landscape, but it tames them.

9- This mascara-like wand with liquid color both tames and defines brows.

10- It tames exploited domestic majorities by redirecting their anger away from local elites.

11- Roger tames was a strange choice as the voice of north-east football.

12- All in all , Jack tames , rather than slays.

13- Knowing this, Optimus releases and tames the Dinobots.

14- This act resurrects Gentaro and tames the Cosmic Switch.

15- Parvati tames Shiva, the “great unpredictable madman” with her presence.

16- She tames him in company of the shepherds by offering him bread and beer.

17- The typical fruity taste of the rose wines ideally tames the palate before having spicy foods.

18- A cushion of tangy yogurt tames the heat of harissa coating roasted carrots and fennel .

19- Temperance tames man’s non-rational, sensual appetites for food, drink and sexual activity.

20- There, the Doctor tames Aggedor again, and leads it away by its horn.

21- Reuben J Montgomery Family Montgomery, Hugh Montgomery, tames A Montgomery.

22- In 1772 the textiles factory of Ivan tames opened on the right bank of the Kotorosl.

23- Good nutrition tames hunger and cravings, so you lose weight more easily and keep it off forever.

24- Shamhat – The temple prostitute who tames Enkidu by seducing him away from his natural state.

25- Using the methods of training hawks, he tames a wife and ensures a happy married life for himself.