talk sense in a sentence

talk sense in a sentence

Talk sense! There’s no way we can afford a new car!

Nigel does get more tempting and always talks sense .

He ‘s not ” talking sense “.

You can’t talk sense into someone who is senseless.

Good luck trying to talk sense and equality into them.

But there is no talking sense into them .

And , for once, you talk sense .

NO talking sense into crazy people like you two.

PERISCOPE Tank you honorable for talking sense .

It is so refreshing to find a lender that just talks sense .

Thank you , someone talks sense .

Dorine tries to talk sense into Mariane.

And there ‘s no talking sense to them because they’re brainwashed.

Someone is finally talking sense about the reason the Wii U sales are bad!

GUIL: If he didn’t talk sense , which he does.

Adriano Ferreira and Thomas Sandlaß seemed to talk sense in reply.

He had already tried to talk sense into Jotan, and had got nowhere.

For all your sakes you’ll have to talk sense into her.

I agree with ‘The Kade’ and Shani too talks sense .

Schenck tries to talk sense into Hewel who promised Hitler he would kill himself.

Finally Inverarity is talking sense .

He tries to talk sense to Tony and the Jets, but they rarely listen.

Zoey is known for being a follower and Penny often has to talk sense into her.

Of course all this assumes that you think that Kant or Fichte are talking sense .

Then he stopped in the middle of the wood and tried to talk sense to himself.

Willie peaceably talks sense to Mary and encourages her to return to her father’s boat.

Even when you couldn’t follow the American commentators you could tell they were talking sense .

A man talking sense to himself is no madder than a man talking nonsense not to himself.

Well at last an attorney talking sense and taking an interest in the “little people”.

That is what happens when you try to talk sense to people who prefer to believe nonsense.

Though Geordi wasn’t able to get them to stop, Santa talks sense into them.

Having produced a report that talks sense about risks, the Royal Society probably thinks its job done.

He was talking sense .

Sometimes they talk sense .

Talk sense , kid!

In 1982 Margaret Thatcher visited Beijing fresh from her Falklands victory, aiming to talk sense into the old man.

Stevenson then delivered an eloquent acceptance speech in which he famously pledged to ” talk sense to the American people.

Aquaman confronts and attempts to talk sense to him, but they are interrupted by the Justice League without warning.

Leo agreed that Dan was talking sense , so I expect we’ll be seeing some design in this area soon.

He is also an actor, and tries to talk sense into Tyler when Tyler vents to him about his problems.

Fellow J.O.B. Squad member Bob Holly came to the ring and tried to talk sense into him but found himself brawling instead.