tails in a sentence

How to use the word tails in a sentence

Heads I win, tails you win.

Prospective buyers couldn’t make heads or tails out of the contract.

I can’t make heads or tails of what you say.

He looked really wonderful in his top hat and tails.

These pigs all have curly tails.

Heads or tails?

Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased.

His shirt tails would come askew, his sleeves ride up.

If we had tails a baboon, where are they?

Salmon thrash their tails and leap from the water.

Striped tails are a common feature of many animals.

The cats watched each other, their tails twitching.

The cows were twitching their tails to drive off the flies.

The number of tourists tails off in October.

Today in the New York Stock Exchange, all the brokers are tails up.

From my house out, you have to head off several tails.

It used to be fashionable to dock horses’ tails.

Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails.

Now he looked like a toad in hat and tails.

Some breeds of dog have only rudimentary tails.

Some kinds of animals can whisk flies away with their tails.

Note how these animals sometimes walk with their tails up in the air.

Silvery water swirled beneath and we spied grey wag tails on wet boulders in mid-stream.