smear in a sentence

smear meaning:

n.) To overspread anything a sticky, oily, or greasy substance on a surface

v.) to contaminate; to pollute; to stain morally;to damage the reputation or name

n.) a mark or stain made by spreading a sticky or greasy substance over a surface;

smear sentence:

There’s a smear on your shirt.

He was a victim of a smear campaign.

He had smeared the ball with coal dust.

Clean the jam smeared on your cheek.

She smeared sun tan lotion on her shoulders.

The knife was smeared with blood.

The worker’s face was smeared with sweat.

The newspapers ran a smear campaign against him.

His fingers left a smear of sweat on the wall.

The story was an attempt to smear the party leader.

The children had smeared mud on the walls.

She smeared sun tan lotion all over herself.

The wall was smeared with letters and drawings.

Its nozzle was smeared with some kind of lubricant.

The children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa.

He found the doorknob of his room smeared with blood and red stains on his bed.

His arms and legs were thickly smeared with calamine lotion dried to a chalky white.

There were paint smears visible on the doorknob.

Republicans accused the Democrats of launching a smear campaign.

There was a smear of yellow greasepaint on the collar of his shirt.

This accusationof bribery is a vile smear on an honourable citizen.

The ruling party is running a smear campaign against the opposition.

Boris touched his lips then looked at the smear of blood on his hand.

The article cast a smear on the Minister for Health.

Each new rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign.

Smear Vaseline on to your baby’s skin to prevent soreness.

There was blood smeared all over the floor.

Clinton has dismissed such suggestions as baseless smears for political gain.

Jennifer must then smear red symbolic blood on her face and neck.

Smear marinade over all sides to coat it well.

A photo captured him wearing a hooded parka and camouflage pants, smears of blood on his face.