whistle-stop tour in a sentence

Use ‘whistle-stop tour’ in a sentence | ‘whistle-stop tour’ example sentences

1- In twenty-four hours she has been on a whistle-stop tour of three countries.

2- He visited all 201 branches of Samaritans during his 7-week whistle-stop tour .

3- Join President Obama as he travels across the country in a virtual whistle-stop tour .

4- No more whistle-stop tours of the newest shopping centre in Nuneaton to look forward to.

5- You may well be American’s funniest stand-up surrealist on a whistle-stop tour of Britain.

6- Disembarking for our whistle-stop tour , I already understood how spiritual and raw Australia’s heart is.

7- Welcome to a whistle-stop tour of those beings you didn’t even know you didn’t know.

8- The tour commenced on 26 October 2008 with the band playing a short whistle-stop tour of four capital cities.

9- Take a whistle-stop tour to Europe’s most famed cities – places like Paris, Rome and Berlin.

10- He embarked on a whistle-stop tour of mother and toddler groups, childcare facilities and a number of junior schools.

11- Join the orchestra for a whistle-stop tour of popular classics and music for TV and film, conducted by Grant Llewellyn.

12- Many visitors come from the North-East of England following the introduction of whistle-stop tours of Ireland by tour operators Wallace Arnold.

13- Instead, he decided to play a whistle-stop tour of Irish-American venues in places such as Chicago, New York and Boston.

14- We’re taken on a disciplined, whistle-stop tour of work and its human consequences from the pre- to the post-industrial, from the societal down to the individual cognitive scales.

15- Eventually we found our car park (after a whistle-stop tour of a housing estate as curtains twitched while we reversed down cul-de-sacs) and dived into the quiet woods.

16- An imaginative on-the-road campaign involves all kinds of activity: walkabouts, whistle-stop tours , visits to places of interest, speeches delivered in market places, shops, factories, farms and building sites.

17- But on a whistle-stop tour of the other States, she’s got to be seen going through security at least once, right…?

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