wagon train in a sentence

Use ‘wagon train’ in a sentence | ‘wagon train’ example sentences

1- The new commercial wagon trains service primarily hauled freight.

2- A wagon train of pioneers in light silhouette looms above.

3- Most wagon trains traveled about 12–15 miles per day.

4- Still others raided settlers and wagon trains for food.

5- wagon train stories probably fall into this category.

6- VS mule team plodding through desert pulling wagon train .

7- She attacked a wagon train two years ago.

8- I’m working on another wagon train saga.

9- They captured four wagon trains and 1,000 Union prisoners.

10- Several other families joined the wagon train along the way.

11- Plot situations abounded on a wagon train .

12- Their duties involved scouting, wagon train escort and operating against Indians.

13- That’s where Hickok joined the wagon train .

14- The wagon train Panorama – a free, three minute show.

15- The Warren wagon train Raid was one such effort.

16- He offered his wagon train , which was heavily loaded with loot.

17- Many signed up to wagon trains that traveled the whole route together.

18- Many wagon trains trekked through Nebraska on the way west.

19- The greatest possible attention had been given to the artillery and wagon trains .

20- He helped supply Mormon wagon trains .

21- The wagon train arrived in Deadwood in July, 1876.

22- Benteen drove off the warriors, saving the wagon train from capture.

23- Other Nez Perce attacked the wagon train .

24- By that time, Adams had been leading wagon trains for several years.

25- The city’s merchants acquired goods from Baltimore and Philadelphia via wagon trains .

26- There were other small groups who also left the wagon train for help.

27- They reached the wagon train just as a war party began to attack.

28- Pursuit of adventure caused Luke and Bonnie to join the wagon train west.

29- These drummers stem from drummers placed on the Royal wagon train in 1799.

30- From there, wagon trains had a choice of routes to their destination.

31- Settlers fled to safety as Seminole attacked plantations and a militia wagon train .

32- I left my wagon train double-parked.

33- All the needed materials, tools and parts were carried on their wagon trains .

34- The noises got nearer and shapes became clearer – horses pulling a long wagon train .

35- A second treaty secured safe passage along the Santa Fe Trail for wagon trains .

36- This is a story of a young couples trip to California by wagon train .

37- The Indians attacked a wagon train on 22 January, driving away the escort.

38- The “Roadometer” recorded the distance traveled each day by the wagon trains .

39- He joined the wagon train at the Platte River for the return trip. Joining the wagon train heading east was an opportunity to do just that.

40- The road was open to attack the wagon train.

41- Dunson sees in her the same anguish that his beloved had expressed when he left her at the original doomed wagon train.

42- Evelyn returned to acting in television’s wagon train for one episode in 1960, The Lita Foladaire Story.

43- Called “Flying Death on the Railway”, the symbol is a skeleton’s skull with a pair of angel wings and wagon train wheels behind it.

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