vocational-training in a sentence 2

Use ‘vocational training’ in a sentence | ‘vocational training’ example sentences

51- Axmann gained a place for the Hitler Youth in the direction of state vocational training and succeeded in raising the status of Hitler Youth agricultural work.

52- Phoenix is also where we can find the monument of the town (a phoenix placing its claws over a pandanus plant) and the seat of the Industrial vocational training Board (IVTB).

53- There are also 68 vocational training centers administered by religious communities.

54- There is also a higher vocational training center covering various engineering fields.

55- In 1953, she founded Literacy House at Allahabad, a small, non-formal school that combined literacy with vocational training.

56- Eurodyssey: Eurodyssey is an interregional programme promoting vocational training and the mobility of young people across Europe.

57- Like all Job Corps centers, it provides vocational training and education at no cost to participants, who are 16 to 24 years old.

58- The College’s specialist subjects have been given to vocational training including Hospitality, Creative Media, Performing Arts, Business and Public Administration.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
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