until-then in a sentence 2

Use ‘until then’ in a sentence | ‘until then’ example sentences

51- until then he’s got his projects to work on and his new cookbook to enjoy.

52- until then, the studio is unlikely to make an official comment on the project.

53- The blues great said he had never set foot in the Mississippi Capitol until then.

54- But until then, she will continue to learn from playing alongside the LPGA’s best.

55- until then, let’s look at how the preview build of Windows 10 Mobile is shaping up.

56- until then, let’s take a look at what’s new in the second major Windows 10 preview.

57- But until then, people can simply enjoy a bird’s-eye tour of the impressive machine.

58- until then, many scientists thought they’d see water and vegetation on our neighbor.

59- until then, Coade says temperatures will be above normal thanks to a southwest wind.

60- The test results come back Thursday, meaning the beach is closed at least until then.

61- “Up until then, we had no idea this devastating disease could affect someone so young.

62- until then, the decision-making constraints of the caretaker convention remain in place.

63- until then, grades for how they played in pulling out a much-needed victory against Dallas.

64- When that gets to 4 percent, and I think it will, then pull the trigger-but not until then.”

65- Your best solution until then is to peek solely at pictures from people and sites you trust.

66- Should you need something to hold you over until then, well, there are always Bob Ross Mondays.

67- But until then, this is how search works in Windows 10. Do you use the Windows 10 search box often?

68- until then, I’d assumed we’d have similar funerals and be buried, or our ashes scattered, together.

69- I hope that we can agree on one single candidate, but until then, I will remain the party’s candidate.

70- until then only vigilance and informing others will help all of us to keep ahead .

71- The new base had the added advantage of being free of ice in winter, unlike the base in Stockholm which had until then been the main base of the navy.

72- Barry MacKay ran the tournament from 1970 until then.

73- This was a fresh new subject in the subcontinent until then.

74- “, led to Sinéad losing much of the commercial momentum her career had built up until then.

75- The Times. 29 July 1977 until then, Derby had been one of the few towns in England with a cathedral but not city status.

76- The 1899 act mentioned above was replaced in 1997-until then the government had stated there were no ethnic minority groups.

77- In 1975, Armstrong baptized Stanley Rader, who until then had been a practicing Jew in spite of his association with the church.

78- No living person could remember the lake being free of ice during the winter up until then.

79- All of Henry’s automatic titles passed to Charles, who, until then, had lived in Henry’s shadow.

80- In 1996, Viacom acquired 50% of the network, which was, until then, a wholly owned subsidiary of Abril.

81- His funeral in San Francisco was saidCitation needed to be the largest in the city’s history up until then.

82- In 2005 she announced her retirement for 2006 for personal reasons, and that until then she will only play a few tournaments.

83- Agricola, says Tacitus, “crossed in the first ship” and defeated peoples unknown to the Romans until then.

84- Radio Radio TV Sleep sold to platinum and became until then the most successful live album ever released in Norway.

85- The non-freeway Northwestern Highway, until then designated M-4, was also renumbered as M-10 shortly after in 1987.

86- Sher Singh was a prominent member of the Council of the Regency and was until then well disposed to British interests.

87- This began a decades-long scientific examination and recording of the Kiowa language which until then had been purely an oral language.

88- In 2007, he said that, for the first time, he had decided to work using a typewriter – having written all his books longhand until then.

89- In 1199 Yoritomo died falling from his horse when he was only 51 and was buried in a temple that had until then housed his tutelary goddess.

90- São João da Talha, until then known as Sacavém Extra-Muros (Sacavém outside the walls) became an independent parish, split from Sacavém in 1387.

91- ‘” Vélo, France, July 2007 Robic, who until then had never led the race, reached the finish at the Parc des Princes 13 minutes ahead of Brambilla.

92- The film had until then a less-known actor J.V. Somayajulu in the lead, but it broke many commercial records by running for over one year in cinemas.

93- The Republic had not previously needed an army, since until then any small conflicts within the Republic could be solved with the “peacekeeping” Jedi.

94- Dorris had discovered FAS was a widespread, and until then, relatively undiagnosed problem among Native American children resulting from mothers’ alcoholism.

95- Gerald Aungier was placed in charge of the British East India Company ‘s newly acquired factories at Surat and Bombay, which had until then belonged to Portugal.

96- CCC 550, 671 until then, the coming of the Kingdom will continue to be attacked by evil powers as Christians wait with hope for the second coming of their Savior.

97- Yenije “retained its emphatically Turkish character up to 1912” and members of the Evrenos family lived in Yenice in a large palace in the center of town until then.

More Sentences: 12
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