Use ‘typing’ in a sentence | ‘typing’ example sentences
51- While typing at normal speed in a Google Doc, there was a noticeable lag.
52- It includes a portable stand, which allows for easy typing on a smartphone.
53- How about when you keep typing “teh” instead of “the” no matter what you do?
54- Here’s a look at what the fast-typing Trump has been tweeting and retweeting.
55- Some app makers believe that typing with our thumbs requires a whole new entry method.
56- When it came to typing, I saw around 80 to 90 percent of my typical touch-typing speed.
57- In an interview, Glatzer communicated by typing on an iPad with a toe on his right foot.
58- In some cases, these apps have shown how thumb typing can be faster than typing on a keyboard.
59- The company was clearly more focused on delivering a decent typing experience than anything else.
60- I became adept at using a typing rubber.
61- The idea came quite easily, though typing it out was quite difficult.
62- Freamon and Prez are asked to start typing up the wiretap affidavits in preparation.
63- Misspellings may be due to either typing errors (e.g. the transposition error teh for the), or lack of knowledge of the correct spelling.
64- The “Enterprise” version of XMetaL includes the Darwin Information typing Architecture (DITA) DTDs and features for editing and publishing DITA topics and maps.
65- And some mornings, perhaps after a long night with little sleep and a lot of drinking, a person’s typing may bear little resemblance to the way he types when he is well-rested.
66- In French-language typing and printing, the traditional rules are preserved.
67- Changing angles is as simple as typing a new angle value onto the control pad.
68- typing too many characters would result in an error, a familiar situation to users of the day.
69- By 1957, he had sculpted it to his liking, and took advantage of an advertisement offering a typing service.
70- Finally, before he leaves, Juan gives Enrique a piece of paper: a letter to Enrique that Ignacio was in the middle of typing when he died.
71- The challenge remains to search large indices or popular query lists in under a few milliseconds so that the user sees results pop up while typing.
72- Erin ends up typing “ape”, and Oscar is left frustrated.
73- They can be found on internet in simple search by typing Gondal.
74- NDM can be invoked at a Unix server prompt by typing in ‘ndmcli’.
75- Tully was given the dictation and typing duties that Lehand disliked.
76- On QWERTY keyboards, 56% of the typing strokes are done by the left hand.
77- typing out mimeographed sheets with his column, handing them out on the corner.
78- Some smart tags operate based on user activity, such as helping with typing errors.
79- PowerToy Calc has support for typing calculations using Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).
80- ;e-type e-type is a qualification that allows indiviuduals to improve and certify their typing skills.
81- The value of static typing, then, presumably increases as the strength of the type system is increased.
82- “HLA class-I and HLA class-II phenotypic, gene and haplotypic frequencies in Tunisians by using molecular typing data”.
83- On finishing school and unable to enter university, having failed mathematics, she learnt typing and took a secretarial job.
84- When he is questioned about his typing experience, the counselor wonders how a man graduated from a women’s college at the time.
85- Early membrane keyboards limited typing speed because they had to do significant debouncing.
86- Space race “Space Race” is a mode that allows players to test their typing skills while memorizing.
87- Von Gehlen was an excellent administrator at office level and could beat most office ladies in typing speed.
88- The album includes lyrics printed in the sleeve notes, however they appear to have quite severe typing errors.
89- Careful compatibility testing by the blood bank is necessary because autoantibodies may interfere with blood typing.
90- Caliber categories A third form of artillery typing is to classify it as ‘light’, ‘medium’, ‘heavy’ and various other terms.
91- When a command processor is active a program is typically invoked by typing its name followed by command-line arguments (if any).
92- He also possesses an excellent memory and has a habit of “entering data” into his memory by making typing gestures with his hands.
93- Help guides, tech support materials, and sometimes the interface itself may include advice on checking caps lock before typing a password.
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