twinge in a sentence

Use ‘twinge’ in a sentence | ‘twinge’ example sentences

1- He brushed aside the few twinges that persisted.

2- Andrew felt a sudden twinge of apprehension.

3- A twinge of fear went through him.

4- Violent twinges shot up my nerves like steel lightning.

5- Penny was conscious of feeling a twinge of disappointment.

6- A twinge of pain shot through Winston’s jaw.

7- Again Ethan felt a sudden twinge of jealousy.

8- She even felt a twinge of amusement.

9- This teaser has a twinge of that .

10- Again she felt that twinge of sadness.

11- Once they are manageable then the tummy either twinges or aches.

12- Juliet felt a twinge of guilt at causing her pain.

13- There was a twinge of bitter resentment at that thought.

14- Walking in, he felt his heart twinge again.

15- Would the twinge in your knee drive you crazy?

16- He could not help feeling a twinge of panic.

17- A few steps later and a sharp twinge hit my left calf.

18- Just a few twinges , aren’t there?

19- Black areas are replete with digital noise and a bluish twinge .

20- All that and a twinge of melancholy.

21- You may feel a twinge or slight cramping.

22- Polly looked across at him, feeling a twinge of unease.

23- Shepherd felt a twinge of bitterness, then shook his head.

24- Will I ever stop getting a twinge the morning they go?

25- But didn’t Andrew feel just the slightest twinge of regret?

26- And virtually everyone feels a twinge of jealousy now and then.

27- This is where you get the first little twinge of discomfort.

28- The friar felt a twinge of jealousy.

29- Charles even felt a twinge of pity for Mrs Sweet.

30- He felt a twinge of unease even now at the memory.

31- Ridiculously she felt a twinge of envy.

32- Mueller never turned a hair, or felt a twinge of remorse.

33- From the slightest twinge to burdens which are tough to speak about.

34- twinges of conscience are messages from the anti-ego.

35- They appease his twinges of guilt without committing him to very drastic action.

36- Sometimes I have twinges of pain, but not like before.

37- It hurt much?” She shifted, feeling the bruised areas twinge .

38- Scyphozoan jellyfish stings range from a twinge to tingling to agony.

39- Maybe, Akane thought, a twinge of jealousy running through her.

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