twin in a sentence

Use ‘twin’ in a sentence | ‘twin’ example sentences

1- One twin is usually structurally completely normal.

2- Early open circuit scuba demand regulators were mostly twin hose designs.

3- His twin brother died before being baptized.

4- A skin graft between identical twins had taken permanently .

5- But twin peaks itself was further subdivided .

6- twin correlations were analyzed using structural equation modeling.

7- The second bedroom has two extra long twin beds.

8- This beast is a twin engine 640 hp machine.

9- The world witnessed twin milestones last year.

10- twin spark plugs per cylinder are one novel touch.

11- Price per person sharing a twin room.

12- Approximately 20% of pregnancies following assisted conception are twins .

13- It features a better twin bearing design.

14- There are many differences between raising single children and raising twins .

15- Price is £43 per person per night in twin rooms.

16- The picture below shows the completed manifold twins .

17- They are called electron pairs or twins .

18- The sample mean twins ratio is also similar across rounds.

19- Many printers now offer twin print heads.

20- The twins are likewise very close and inseparable.

21- twin interior courts provided every room with natural light.

22- The twins are marked with different colors.

23- Why should two identical twins possess different natures?

24- The façade is flanked by twin octagonal towers.

25- The twins endured different illnesses for many years.

26- Competition models featured cylinder heads with twin spark plugs.

27- Daphne later gets married and is expecting twins .

28- Now the twins are 27 months old.

29- The infantry barracks were originally composed of twin buildings.

30- This is called a ” twin pregnancy”.

31- The temple is contained in twin enclosures.

32- The twin railway tracks were carried on cast iron deck plates.

33- twin diesel engines were installed in 1920.

34- These twin population theories assert that 1.

35- Additional information is available outside the classic twin design.

36- Tijuana has multiple sister cities and twin towns.

37- The twins had already grown into big boys.

38- The latter are also called “super twins “.

39- This is known as vanishing twin syndrome.

40- Its twin tower was destroyed during the war. She is a twin.

41- I have an identical twin.

42- They have twin daughters.

43- I don’t know either twin.

44- I’d like a twin room, please.

45- She gave birth to twin girls.

46- He took me for my twin brother.

47- His wife gave birth to twin boys.

48- I can’t tell his twin sisters apart.

49- I can’t tell her from her twin sister.

50- I always confuse John and his twin brother.

More Sentences: 1234
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