twenty in a sentence 4

Use ‘twenty’ in a sentence | ‘twenty’ example sentences

150- Gardner once said that twenty years from now we will look back at education as it is practiced in most schools today, and wonder that we could have tolerated anything so primitive.

151- Mark Twain once said that twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

152- So sail away from the safe harbor.

153- Explore.

154- Dream.

155- Discover.

156- The number of Lee’s forces is put down at about twenty thousand men.

157- twenty-three teachers completed the first part of the program in May.

158- twenty years later, about 130 wolves in 11 packs inhabit Yellowstone.

159- She would also tie Graf’s count of twenty-two major singles victories.

160- They also turned down a plan to buy more than twenty new fighter jets.

161- The official death toll of a hundred and twenty-nine was sure to rise.

162- 874670twenty-five seconds of work to be a terrorist,”” read another.”

163- Donella wed twenty year old Paul Stevens and Cliff gave the bride away.

164- It is now one of twenty-three states where justices select their chief.

165- twenty-seven percent think they should be required to leave the country.

166- “twenty-five years ago we were topping out at 150,000 calls for service.

167- One hundred twenty restaurants, bars, and stores were randomly selected.

168- twenty-year-old me thinks, “Even the security guards like partying-sick!”

169- twenty-four Americans were killed by extremists in 2014, the report said.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
twelvetwelvemonthtwelvemonthstwelvestwentiestwentiethtwentiethstwentytwerptwerpstwicetwice a daytwice a weektwice a yearonce bitten twice shy

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