twentieth in a sentence 4

Use ‘twentieth’ in a sentence | ‘twentieth’ example sentences

146- A paper delivered at the twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, Mass. Retrieved 2008-11-20.

147- Blacklers was founded by partners Richard John Blackler and A.B. Wallis in the early twentieth century.

148- Charles M. Schwab stood on the steps of the UIW office building on twentieth street during the auction.

149- The navy continued to expand and incorporate political influence throughout the early twentieth century.

150- The Examiner began in 1880 and was the island’s most popular newspaper for most of the twentieth century.

151- She scored 5735 points for twentieth place, but was again in last place among all the heptathlon finishers.

152- This has been considered “the most important event in the twentieth century Sanskrit literary scholarship”.

153- Vig, symbol ∧), or semi-decile, is an angle of 18°, one-twentieth of the circle of the zodiac, or half a decile.

154- His published research on climatology is considered to be some of the most influential of the twentieth century.

155- The reciprocal form, meaning “each other’s”, was used into the early twentieth century but has since fallen out of use.

156- Thus she was exposed to European style, which by the early twentieth centuries was even being forged with other styles.

157- Use of oxen for plowing survived in some areas of England (such as the South Downs ) until the early twentieth century.

158- The McDearmon-Tibbs estate was an early-pre-Civil War plantation that was a working farm up to the mid-twentieth century.

159- ” The school has trained many of the foremost carillonneurs of the twentieth century and houses a rich archive and library.

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