twas in a sentence

Use ’twas’ in a sentence | ’twas’ example sentences

1- twas partly love, and partly fear.

2- Know’st thou who ‘ twas accepted thee?

3- When I was a lad ‘ twas a fine place.

4- But, truth to tell, twas neither.

5- twas not fun, not fun at all.

6- But ‘ twas ere I was born.

7- Nobody never eat no punkin pie unless ‘ twas in Indiana.

8- Fame, indeed, ‘ twas said, Means simply love.

9- For Ludovic ‘ twas a crowded hour of glorious life.

10- So ‘ twas better Betty Botter bought some better butter.

11- But ‘ twas all moot, and depressingly familiar.

12- But I’d be worried if ‘ twas me.

13- twas ever thus , people get stressed over extinction way too much.

14- For whom?– ‘ twas yesterday the summer; summer goes.

15- And when we dropped anchor, ‘ twas on Avon Street.

16- I’d do my best, but ‘ twas n’t easy.

17- More fool us. ‘ twas not to be.

18- twas n’t meant to be, twas not.

19- twasn’t meant to be, twas not.

20- O O They closed their eyes in sleep, nor knew twas death.

21- But alas, ‘ twas idle dreaming … Glorious tone he has still.

22- Let me say proudly, “” twas you who made me win.

23- And to think: ‘ twas my stomach the first insurrectionist.

24- twas a fierce battle , but the guardian of the boneyard fell.

25- You majored in english and are speakn like twas yoruba .

26- Yea, so it was, and so ‘ twas just.

27- App Activity About AppShopper twas Christmas Trivia!

28- We, ‘the Corn threshes bad, ‘ twas cut too green.

29- Yes, ‘ twas taken back to heaven Till should dawn a brighter day.

30- Remember it! yes; ‘ twas no slight impression it made upon my heart.

31- Dumb and Dumler. ‘ twas a year of scandal, indeed.

32- And yet ‘ twas dangerous.

33- A Marine’s version of ‘ twas the Night Before Christmas'”.

34- twas a bluebird beauty of a day and I skied like I had wings.

35- But ‘ twas a gladsome sight; We cheered while voice was left to cheer him.

36- What realms and regions ‘ twas ours to gain, Now the lordship of Carlemaine!

37- Si sang ‘ twas rank and fame : in Ned Lambert’s ‘twas.

38- Si sang ‘twas rank and fame : in Ned Lambert’s ‘ twas .

39- Hey-ho, twas ever thus!

40- In addition, one research fellow from Academia Sinica was elected a twas Young Affiliate. The old poem goes, “‘twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

41- ” stitchIsla Paschal Richardson once wrote of death, “Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you.

42- .

43- .

44- I loved you so – ‘twas heaven here with you.

45- “Check out the ‘twas a Week Before Christmas video from Beachy Cove Elementary.

46- Chorus twas down in Albert square I never shall forget, Her eyes they shone like diamonds and the evening it was wet, wet, wet.

47- ‘twas eight o’ clock in the morning When they began to fight, And so they did continue there Till nine o’ clock at night.

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