turtles in a sentence 2

Use ‘turtles’ in a sentence | ‘turtles’ example sentences

51- “Although sometimes the hefty turtles gave us a hard time, I loved the opportunity!”

52- The turtles weigh about a kilogram each and can grow up to 20 centimetres in length.

53- “We’ve had anything from snakes to lizards to those small turtles that grow into big turtles.

54- The village of Watamu, 100 kilometers north of Mombasa, is a global hotspot for green turtles.

55- “The logic of sea turtles seems to be that ‘If it worked for me, it should work for my offspring.’

56- Leatherback turtle – Leatherback turtles migrate vast distances to beaches where they lay their eggs.

57- They also provide cleaner services to marine turtles, by removing algal growth from their shells.

58- Mesic woodlands are a habitat where box turtles are generally found.

59- The seagrass beds have Parrot fish and Hogfish and occasional turtles.

60- There were robots, “turtles” (silicon based) and computer synthesized music.

61- Ecology Sections of the beach where sea turtles lay their eggs are blocked off.

62- Reed (1957) reported that the turtles at one Iraq site lacked the ability to swim.

63- KDodd, p. 60 Evolution Box turtles appeared “abruptly in the fossil record, essentially in modern form”.

64- Vulnerable species include bats, magreonk seals and sea turtles.

65- MEDASSET tries to protect these turtles -both on the IUCN lists- and their habitats.

66- Land fauna includes at least 23 bird species, lizards, rats, hermit crabs and turtles.

67- For Wikipedians who are fans of Mirage Studios ‘ Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles franchise.

68- A number of large turtles were introduced to this lake and it attracts ducks and other birds.

69- Wildlife common to the reserve include frogs, deer, rabbits, squirrels, turtles, geese and ducks.

70- Ever since 1983 she has committed herself to protecting the sea turtles that occur in the Mediterranean.

71- An army of ancient creatures threatens to take over the world and the turtles must unite again to save it.

72- Fragile ecosystems Sea turtles on a beach in Hawaii Sea turtles play key roles in two ecosystem types that are critical to them as well as to humans-oceans and beaches/dunes.

73- Young map turtles have a pronounced dorsal keel.

74- ” The turtles‘ live shows and appearances ceased production in 1996.

75- Large numbers of sea turtles came from Archie Carr and his students.

76- They made a reappearance in the made-for-tv movie ‘ turtles Forever ‘.

77- turtles are found in some water bodies in the southern part of the province.

78- However, sea turtles must emerge while breeding, given the extra level of activity.

79- Slash ultimately sacrificed himself to save the turtles and their future counterparts.

80- The ‘turtles’ were taught to think of themselves “first as scientists and second as traders.

81- Some fish, such as some varieties of sturgeon and rockfish, and some tortoises and turtles Miller, J. 2001.

82- The Closed Season is the period in which the catching or of killing of turtles for consumption is forbidden.

83- The survey found an estimated 150 sea turtles nesting and between 90,000 and 100,000 hatchlings and juveniles.

84- Or, possibly, the basking traps are more effective since painted turtles frequently escape back out the funnel of hoop traps.

85- Bleached by sun and seawater, the ducks and beavers had faded to white, but the turtles and frogs had kept their original colours.

86- Swampy areas with soil and exposure to sunlight are common nesting sites among these turtles.

87- Space Usagi was one of the action figures produced under the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles line.

88- The dubbing, in cartoons as ” Ninja turtles “, ” Pokemon “, ” Phineas and Ferb “, among others.

89- In 2000, Eunotosaurus was placed in the clade Parareptilia, separate from turtles and cotylosaurs.

90- ” The Bridges added a gift shop, and well as other animals such as monkeys, raccoons, and logger-head turtles.

91- Karai (voiced by Karen Neil) is the penultimate boss in Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare (2005).

92- There is also a large number of bird species and reptiles such as rattlesnakes, various lizards, land and sea turtles.

93- The female green turtles are known to nest colonially and to return to the same nesting beach every time they reproduce.

94- Tannahill pg 14-16 In many locations the shells of turtles or large mollusks provided a source for waterproof cooking vessels.

95- Many diverse seafoods are used, including hundreds of types of fish, shellfish and turtles, provided by the Fujian coastal region.

96- The Tocobaga lived almost entirely from mullet, shellfish, sea turtles, manatees, crabs, and other bounties harvested form the sea.

97- Hawaii longline fishing for swordfish closed again on March 17, 2006, when the by-catch limit of 17 loggerhead turtles was reached.

98- They also possess greatly enhanced physical speed and strength, but their invisibility is what always gives the turtles and their allies trouble.

99- Individual harvesters who trap painted turtles typically do so for extra money and alternate between fishing and turtle trapping based on the markets.

More Sentences: 123
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