turtle in a sentence

Use ‘turtle’ in a sentence | ‘turtle’ example sentences

1- The novel eventually features sea turtle aliens.

2- The painted turtle hunts along water bottoms.

3- That is why turtles appear “suddenly”.

4- My spirit guide has always been a turtle .

5- Another question is has your turtles shed?

6- Older turtles require more vegetable matter than younger turtles.

7- Older turtles require more vegetable matter than younger turtles .

8- The turtle is acting normally and is eating fine.

9- These turtles are often seen in large groups.

10- Bigger turtles often pick on smaller tank mates.

11- Both turtles here are exactly the same age.

12- This sea turtle was built in five steps.

13- Three species of turtles are particularly notable.

14- Factors affecting hatching success of sea turtle eggs.

15- The endangered cane turtle is also found here.

16- The movement of bog turtles between colonies facilitates genetic diversity.

17- Adult bog turtles weigh 110 g on average.

18- All sea turtles have similar basic nesting behaviors.

19- Short overland migrations may involve hundreds of turtles together.

20- People around the world still harvest sea turtle eggs.

21- Endangered sea turtles nest on white sand beaches.

22- Beach development is another area which threatens sea turtles .

23- Every season sees a few green turtles .

24- This smaller group consists primarily of various freshwater turtles .

25- So far three turtle genomes have been sequenced.

26- The placement of turtles has historically been highly variable.

27- Coastal peoples gather sea turtle eggs for consumption.

28- The turtles are friendly and very old.

29- Some locals were taking the turtle eggs .

30- My daughter bought a baby yellow belly turtle .

31- Many turtles die caught in fishing nets.

32- The sea turtle‘s biggest predator is man.

33- Sea turtles are found off every continent except Antarctica.

34- Sea turtles swim off every continent except Antarctica.

35- Our turtle recently visited grandma’s house.

36- In addition we were able to swim among 5 sea turtles .

37- Also lots of “spinner” dolphins and sea turtles !

38- It is the main region for green turtle nesting.

39- Every turtle makes a nest of around 150 eggs.

40- Or how long sea turtles can live underwater? A turtle‘s protective shell is very useful in keeping it safe from predators.

41- All sea turtle species are considered endangered or threatened in at least part of their ranges.

42- Scientists have discovered that the gender of a sea turtle is determined by the temperature of the sand during egg incubation.

43- In order to wash sand particles out of her eyes, and rid her body of excess salt, the female green turtle sheds tears as she lays her eggs on the beach.

44- About half of the world’s turtle species face possible extinction, due in large part to a growing demand for turtles as food, and as a source of traditional medicines.

45- The turtle weighs one kilogram and is about 27 centimetres in length.

46- The common snapping turtle may not be common in the future, said Olive.

47- The region also nurtures six of the world’s seven marine turtle species.

48- There’s a woman lying under a big jeweled turtle shell for hours on end!

49- And now, from her waist down to her ankles, her skin looks like a turtle.

50- The turtle‘s appearance was unexpected and took everyone by surprise, he said.

More Sentences: 123
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