trysts in a sentence

Use ‘trysts’ in a sentence | ‘trysts’ example sentences

1- He evidently wasn’t planning any passionate trysts !

2- The trysts occur in the morning or afternoon.

3- I of course retaliated with a series of revenge trysts .

4- By July the Minister’s secret trysts were laid bare.

5- Assignations and trysts are among the pleasurable phases of union.

6- Nevertheless, his trysts with others – including Micaela – continued.

7- These sensual memories of bygone trysts are forever embedded in your mind.

8- These clandestine cues and back-alley trysts were a draw for Kubrick .

9- Bukowski embarked on a series of love affairs and one-night trysts .

10- Secret trysts began soon after.

11- Donna is an even-tempered lady who takes in stride Fred’s shenanigans and occasional trysts .

12- But it emerged she secretly met Mr Shari for ” physical” trysts in London hotels.

13- There are creepy rituals, long-standing conspiracies, steamy trysts , and lots of designer gowns.

14- These “lovers” had short trysts in secret, which escalated mentally, but might not physically.

15- Women leaving hotels following trysts with their extramarital lovers tell pollsters they abominate Mr. Clinton’s behavior.

16- The fieldhands used them; animals sometimes broke into them; and lovers used them for trysts .

17- Palazzo Te was conceived as a hideaway for 16 th-century Duke Federico’s trysts with his mistress.

18- I notice he does that whenever I talk about my ‘amours’, my little love trysts .

19- One of their trysts is accidentally recorded and the footage is shown to an audience at Charlie’s bar.

20- My clients whose trysts end suddenly and unexpectedly often overlook the most likely suspect: spending too much time together.

21- Eventually it settles in a meadow and becomes the locus of all manner of strange scenarios and woodland trysts .

22- Indeed, Claudette’s “reputable” new position is marked by spying, illicit trysts and titanic power struggles.

23- Entering her quarters in the dark, he pretends to be the Comte de Wardes and trysts with her.

24- We had, not love affairs, but intrigues; giggling over trysts at the skating-rink, kisses in taxis.

25- The location also served as a convenient place for romantic trysts with Harry Crosby, who would become her second husband.

26- One of their trysts is accidentally recorded and Scott Griffin (Eamonn George) finds it and shows at Charlie’s.

27- She called their friend Stanley Mortimer at his mother’s apartment, whose studio Crosby was known to use for his trysts .

28- So let me get this straight Jonny, you don’t take any responsibility for your trysts with these women at all?

29- The nebbishy hero, C. C. Baxter, ascends to the executive suite by letting married superiors use his apartment for their trysts with office secretaries.

30- NBC’s “To Catch a Predator” (if worth anything at all) revealed the men in every community–doctors, lawyers, cops, teachers, principals, officials, fathers, grandfathers–seeking middle-school trysts .

31- The only Dalai Lama to renounce monkhood, many of his verses focus on romantic trysts and the integration of his amorous disposition with his responsibilities as a political and spiritual leader.

32- The big city station from which they saw off their loved ones to war, from where they left for their honeymoons and holidays, where they kept their romantic trysts under the station clock, has been obliterated or at the very least altered out of all recognition.

33- To 1967, I’d add another year, an equivalent point of take-off – 1979 (punk energy making its first altercations with black dance production, dub and funk, its first trysts with electronics, its first stabs at multi-media performance).

34- He has taken to disrupting romantic trysts in the village by pouring glue into the hair of those girls who step out with soldiers; his motive being to encourage the largest possible number of servicemen to attend his lectures, where he speaks of the mysteries of the countryside.

35- Billy Wilder always claimed this scene was the inspiration for The Apartment . Clearly he fruitfully misremembered Brief Encounter , since he described Stephen Lynn as someone who knowingly lends his flat for trysts .

36- Jealousy is life in the Mall – Lex of Zandra and Ryan’s friendship, Zandra of Lex’s trysts with Tai-San and Ebony, Trudy of Bray and Salene, and later Bray and Amber.

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