trysting in a sentence

Use ‘trysting’ in a sentence | ‘trysting’ example sentences

1- trysting Tree – several references are made to these trees as agreed gathering places.

2- It is Bettger’s signal to Stanwyck to join him at their trysting place.

3- Stenhousemuir Cricket Club based on part of the old trysting grounds at Tryst Road.

4- Like rejected lovers returning to a trysting place, they kept coming back to the areas surrounding the station.

5- It should be celebrated as a true ‘ trysting ‘ tree where love has been celebrated under its boughs over the centuries.

6- Under the British the marble terrace became a venue for balls and entertainments, and the gardens grew famous as trysting places.

7- Zany toon headliner Roger Rabbit is implicated in the murder of Tinseltown’s gag king, Marvin Acme (Stubby Kaye), who Valiant photographed trysting with Roger’s wife, the voluptuous human-like Jessica (voiced by Kathleen Turner like liquid Bacall).

8- This was the site of Fair Rosamund’s Bower, once a rose garden, Japanese garden, maze, hermitage and Folly, a trysting place for young people who thought the days of dancing and fox-hunting would never end.

9- Tender words, and unselfish care for what promotes the respect and happiness of thy wife, is more salutary in prolonging her smiles and health, than stolid indifference, or jealousy; husbands, hear this, and remember how slight a thing might have spared the old trysting times.

10- That same day, San Sebastian was the trysting place of a series of people whose principal concern, apart from winning the war, was the achievement of a political union” which would have the appearance of spontaneity”.

11- In the series finale, episode 7.21 titled “The Last Word” (2012), two men trysting in a secluded park witness a masked man carrying a naked woman’s body and flee the scene.

12- The golf teams practice and compete at Oregon State’s own trysting Tree Golf Club, a nationally recognized course that has held numerous tournaments.

13- Ripley’s Believe it or Not featured the famous tree for being the only one on an active field of athletic play, and the seclusion “of the tree at night for generations afforded lovers a trysting place.

14- Other information tells that a sailor and the young wife of the older owner were caught and entombed in their trysting spot by her husband.

15- He imagined Helena coming to some trysting place on a summer night, to the Banks of Knamber perhaps, or like Lady Irene and Alastair Thornhill, to the ghost of a road, the Reeve’s Way, as it threaded through the Vale of Allen, and Tace meeting her there in the twilight.

16- trysting Tree is the name of Oregon State’s golf course, dedicated in 1988, the tournament level course has been recognized by “Golfweek” magazine as one of the top five collegiate golf courses on the West Coast.

17- Sam is more or less free to wander Heaven, even trysting with Kali, who would like to have him back as her lover.

18- Brodsky was stunned by what she was seeing, but she also couldn’t help but notice the trysting thieves seemed to love her cell phone’s camera more than each other.

19- trysting lovers in “Roadkill” injure a mutant creature with their car and soon feel unusually strong emotions about it: nurturing it when their extramarital affair is going well, and grasping for ownership of it when they fall out.

20- Now the course of events for the trysting quartet from here on in would normally be predictable, except that one of the quatuor was Stuart, and Stuart on a double-date is defiantly cognate with a breadstick still in its wrapper.

21- Rosalba never went to the trysting place, because Caterina could not bring herself to tell her sister about the assignation Tommaso had proposed in the byre.

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