triumph in a sentence

Use ‘triumph’ in a sentence | ‘triumph’ example sentences

1- A fabulous example of triumph through adversity.

2- This real life story is a triumph .

3- His face was already full of triumph .

4- The occasion was bursting with barely suppressed triumph .

5- From this auspicious beginning came many more triumphs .

6- In such cases malice triumphs over conscience.

7- It was a triumph again last night.

8- He was consul three times and celebrated three triumphs .

9- This has clearly been many moons or delivering triumph through tragedy.

10- The 1999 shows were an absolute triumph .

11- The telegraph cable is a complete triumph .

12- His opening night had been his usual triumph .

13- To win without risk is to triumph without glory.

14- But within ten days triumph had turned to disaster.

15- After losing four previous finals Kilkenny finally triumphed .

16- Yep , definitely another green energy triumph .

17- Technology can triumph in realms where biology fails.

18- Yet once again there was a medical triumph .

19- The human body is a triumph of evolution.

20- The triumph in his eyes was barely contained.

21- It was a triumph beyond all expectations.

22- She produced a smile of pure triumph .

23- One achieves a form of mental triumph .

24- A personal triumph for the pension revolution.

25- A triumph worth any amount of failures!

26- The students thought this a great triumph .

27- A small glow of triumph warmed her.

28- She allowed herself a thin smile of triumph .

29- This experience has probably been filled with many disappointments and triumphs .

30- Both were confident due to recent triumphs and consequent expansion.

31- The space race had triumphs and failures on both sides.

32- The 1955–56 season was one of triumph .

33- The triumph took place on his 29th birthday.

34- Jay-Z represented the cultural triumph of hip hop.

35- A little smile of triumph touched his mouth.

36- The combined forces then returned in triumph .

37- Our friendship is a triumph of overcoming every known barrier.

38- The encounter between architect and artist was a triumph .

39- His eastern victories earned him his third triumph .

40- Jesuit government “a triumph of humanity”. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement .

41- He is supposed to live in a continuous frenzy of hatred of foreign enemies and internal traitors, triumph over victories, and self-abasement before the power and wisdom of the Party.

42- He burned for his moment of triumph.

43- Look at him raising his arm in triumph.

44- His rival was discouraged by his triumph.

45- The battle ended in a triumph for the Romans.

46- This new machine is a triumph of mechanical engineering.

47- Napoleon rode into Paris in triumph amid crowds of cheering spectators.

48- A peace settlement in the Middle East would be a major triumph for American diplomacy.

49- His newspaper article on the effects of war on children was described as a journalistic triumph.

50- H.

More Sentences: 1234
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