trips in a sentence 4

Use ‘trips’ in a sentence | ‘trips’ example sentences

151- George Q. Flynn, The draft, 1940-1973 (1993) p 50 Foreign trips of Franklin D. Roosevelt during his presidency.

152- Play were planning their comeback to the U.S. markets, and going on frequent trips to America to attend meetings.

153- McKinney responded to these stresses with frequent escapes on hunting and yachting trips as well as alcohol abuse.

154- “Clucks” are made during foraging trips or during aggressive encounters, whether mobbing conspecifics or predators.

155- Before Dr Ezra can take a look at Bac-Bac, he trips over him in the dark and they both fall down his doorway stairs.

156- He and his family also went on lengthy car trips, traveling from Maine to Florida and then west as far as California.

157- trips were made annually via the river from Moncton to Beaumont for Feast of Saint-Anne celebrations with the locals.

158- “) is set entirely on Earth (with occasional space trips to the Moon); Swift Enterprises is now located in California.

159- Villiers had made several trips to Paris in the late 1850s, where he became enthralled by artistic and theatrical life.

160- This avoids concentration of traffic on a small number of arterial roads and allows more trips to be made without a car.

161- ” Also borrowing elements from downbeat and electronic music she discovered on recent trips to Europe, Olivia Smith (2008-06-17).

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