trinket in a sentence

Use ‘trinket’ in a sentence | ‘trinket’ example sentences

1- They really are the perfect little wedding trinket !

2- These titanium trinkets recognized as health bracelets.

3- Disney souvenirs were perceived as cheap trinkets .

4- Buy yourself little trinkets and treats frequently.

5- His wife liked little trinkets for her dressing table.

6- trinket boxes are really a treasure to behold.

7- Catholics pray to statues and religious trinkets .

8- The cache may also contain a number of small trinkets .

9- The trinkets from my childhood, kindergarten days.

10- Tiny shops offer authentic handcrafts not tourist trinkets .

11- Stop poaching elephant tusks to produce tourist trinkets .

12- The trinkets of tradition are still in place, of course.

13- Titanium trinkets are available in various beautiful colors and sizes.

14- He bought the island with trinkets valued at about $24.

15- You’ll also find stands selling jewelry, clothing and trinkets .

16- I have collected trinkets and books which decorate my surfaces .

17- Men don’t buy many clothes, or trinkets .

18- All-colored trinkets were hung on the tree to symbolize forthcoming blooms.

19- Sound and error messages for the trinket use are still suppressed though.

20- Markets set up in the main street selling hippie ware and trinkets .

21- There were people selling trinkets and pineapples .

22- Paul Thurrott called it ” a high priced, unnecessary trinket .

23- Rings, potions, and trinkets are examples of items.

24- It did not, however, come with a trinket .

25- You’ve got trinkets , you’re standing with Rand posters.

26- Others survive by begging, selling trinkets or scavenging on rubbish tips.

27- More than mere embellishments, these trinkets are visible statements of identification.

28- Bobble-head dolls, souvenirs, and trinkets provide glimpses of past travels.

29- Guests may visit the souvenir shop for gifts and trinkets for loved ones.

30- Jarlaxle has trinkets that grant him immunities to many things.

31- Chinese collectors covet ivory for figurines , chopsticks and trinkets .

32- Not the smallest trinket is sold.

33- Any trinket , small unwanted gift.

34- Got a few little er trinkets that er Joyce back from Canada.

35- Or these charming trinket bowls – I want a stack of them!

36- Will these trinkets , however, be enough to satiate them?

37- Memory and a few trinkets were all that was left of her.

38- Hell for all eternity for a few trinkets in this short life?

39- Others resort to begging, collecting garbage or selling trinkets on the street. It’s like swimming in tropical waters, minus the sharks and trinket hawkers.

40- Video games * World of Warcraft – The Philosopher’s Stone is a trinket crafted and used by Alchemists to transmute different materials into others.

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