trifler in a sentence

Use ‘trifler’ in a sentence | ‘trifler’ example sentences

1- O trifler , Fate is grimly purposing Thy ruin: dread’st thou not misfortune’s sting?

2- He may be named only to be cursed as wanton and mocker, poseur, trifler and vagrant.

3- One writer dismisses him as an “æsthetic trifler “, others regard him as “a half-mad king”; but we must recognize that he was a profoundly serious man with a great mission, a high-souled prophet if an impractical Pharaoh.

4- He has embarked his all in it, fame, time, fortune, peace of mind — his hopes in youth, his consolation in age: and shall he not feel a more intense interest in whatever relates to it than the mere indolent trifler ?

5- The headmaster was not amused at this diversion from studying the classics, calling him a “poco curante” ( trifler ) in front of the boys.

6- Dear Sir, – I am sure you must by this time consider me as a great trifler , and begin to lose all dependence on my pro- fessions of zeal in the cause you are engaged in, and of industry in gathering together antiques for the cabinet you are, I hope, busily constructing.

7- The latter are right, for I may assert that General Foy would not pledge his fidelity to the bed, but to the person, for otherwise any trifler would be faithful if he only always lay in the same bed.

8- However we may despise such triflers , yet we regret them more than those well-meaning friends on whom a dull melancholy vapour hangs, that drags them and every one about them to the ground.

9- “What will this seed-picker, this sponger, this loafer, this trifler in talk, say?”

10- “Willis is “no” genius–a graceful trifler –no more”, he wrote in a letter to James Russell Lowell.

11- ” Even his friend Richard Henry Dana Jr., questioned Lowell’s abilities, calling him “very clever, entertaining & good humored … but he is rather a trifler , after all.

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