triangles in a sentence 2

Use ‘triangles’ in a sentence | ‘triangles’ example sentences

50- Some geodesic domes are designed by tessellating the sphere with triangles that are as close to equilateral triangles as possible.

51- Influence The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Gráinne is notable for its similarities to other tales of love triangles in Irish and European literature.

52- Self-duality By definition, two triangles are perspective if and only if they are in perspective centrally (or, equivalently according to this theorem, in perspective axially).

53- Rosewall coached the Pittsburgh triangles team in 1974.

54- In 3D rendering, triangles and polygons in space might be primitives.

55- Clipping is the process of truncating triangles to fit them inside the viewing area.

56- For example, in Circle Limit III every vertex belongs to three triangles and three squares.

57- Girard, p. 323-4 Bloomsbury The Bloomsbury Group not atypically produced some unusual forms of love triangles.

58- ” triangles are featured as an easter egg in the background of every episode, sometimes in trees or buildings.

59- A band of double triangles runs around the sculpture with a carved cord or rope and may symbolise the bat’s wings.

60- Unreferenced triangles are a commonly found in the price charts of financially traded assets (stocks, bonds, futures, etc).

61- The colorful dots (diamonds, rectangles, triangles) belong to the familiar tiny tunjoko designs seen in many Shoowa cloths.

62- There are six choices of i and j (three independent), and hence six such triangles, each of which is called an unitary triangle.

63- The Phillies abandoned the team and so the team became independent and were renamed the Raleigh-Durham triangles for the 1970 season.

64- This minimum occurs at the points of zero slope on the curves in Figure 4 (these points are marked by small triangles).

65- The blue and yellow triangles represent the sea and sun respectively while the dividing white strip represents the sky.

66- The rods began to be made with an angle of about 65° so that the triangles that had to be added were aligned vertically.

67- The work is made of irregularly shaped triangles and rectangles bolted to the base with curved tubes (42 x 114 x 34 in.).

68- Alon, Yuster Zwick (1994) have improved the O(m 3/2 ) algorithm for finding triangles to O(m 1.41 ) by using fast matrix multiplication.

69- Flag The present design of the TKE flag, as adopted at the 1961 Conclave, features five voided triangles, in cherry red, on a gray bend surmounting a red field.

More Sentences: 12
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