trials in a sentence 2

Use ‘trials’ in a sentence | ‘trials’ example sentences

51- Analysts were, however, divided on the drug’s success in the trials.

52- DARPA put the contenders through several trials throughout the years.

53- Additional trials would start in Sierra Leone and Guinea in February.

54- The weather forced a couple of big Massachusetts trials to be delayed.

55- “You’re lucky it’s one of those late-day trials where he’ll be fatigued.”

56- George Lawson, the lawyer for Pitts, wondered why trials were held at all.

57- trials of the growth of new cartilage and spinal cord repair are under way.

58- About 10 journalists have been jailed and nearly a dozen are facing trials.

59- They’ve also qualified for the 2017 pre-trials for the next Winter Olympics.

60- Bella’s owner says she signed up for clinical trials out of selfish reasons.

61- The winner of this week’s Brier in Calgary will also gain a pre-trials berth.

62- It was six points better than the mark he set at U.S. Olympic trials in 2012.

63- No trials by storm The weather forced big Massachusetts trials to be delayed.

64- That’s the opposite of the situation we have at the trials in Guantanamo Bay.

65- Specifically, in trials, flibanserin has targeted HSDD in premenopausal women.

66- Wilmshurst: I can’t tell you exactly what percentage of the trials are flawed.

67- She’s kept on close eye Kybella since the first FDA trials around five years ago.

68- Though it is rare to have four separate sentencing trials, it’s not unprecedented.

69- Until that time, NBN will conduct end-user trials and construction trials for HFC.

70- Did you know that only 3% of patients with cancer? participate in clinical trials?

71- Hernandez potentially faces three more trials, one criminal and two civil actions.

72- Google (GOOG), Domino’s Pizza and Alibaba (BABA) have also been conducting trials.

73- Now, Lucy is part of one of the largest clinical trials of canine cancer detection.

74- An exhibition in Bonn charts the trials and tribulations of the subject in Germany.

75- Its popularity plummeted after a series of corruption trials against top officials.

76- They are but the most recent in a series of terrorist trials over the past decades.

77- The army said the trials were fair and that the accused can appeal their convictions.

78- The truth is that capital murder trials very often take several years to be resolved.

79- “And this study takes it out of the realm of clinical trials and into the real world.”

80- Longtime consultant Jo-Ellan Dimitrius has helped pick juries for high-profile trials.

81- In all his years of covering trials, Robles says he’s never seen another trial like it.

82- It’ll be a while before e-Dura implants go into human field trials and reach hospitals.

83- Between those trials, the court ruled that bite-mark evidence can be used in Mississippi.

84- “Many had been sentenced after trials before courts whose proceedings are grossly unfair.

85- Late-stage drug trials in about 12,000 patients showed “insufficient efficacy,” Lilly said.

86- They called for randomized trials to allow for gender, cross-cultural and age comparisions.

87- After that, Duke halted the trials based on his research, and Potti resigned from his post.

88- CNN iReport asked the transgender community to share their own stories, trials and triumphs.

89- 596514Russian sailors had started sea trials on the warships in preparation for a handover.

90- We will study the safety of this compound, and plan human trials for treatment of cataracts.

91- Companies want to be able to discuss data that does not come from randomized clinical trials.

92- She said she was confident the judge made the right decision to hold the trials in Baltimore.

93- I don’t know what to say – but the Lord does… He underwent so many of the trials that you do”.

94- So fans can expect the climax of “The Scorch trials” to play out much differently than the book.

95- He has faced several murder trials but always been acquitted after witnesses refused to testify.

96- The rebels had rounded up Qaddafi loyalists and were holding show trials in Misrata and Tripoli.

97- The researchers used data from three randomized clinical trials conducted between 2011 and 2015.

98- Health officials have not provided any data for the results of the trials of the anti-Ebola drug.

99- All participants’ blood sugar levels were tested before and after the three hours, on both trials.

100- It has delivered promising results in trials with groups that are at high risk of contracting HIV.

More Sentences: 1234
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