trial marriage in a sentence

Use ‘trial marriage’ in a sentence | ‘trial marriage’ example sentences

1- trial marriages were typical within Inca culture.

2- The period of cohabitation is often thought of as a trial marriage .

3- In Ireland trial marriages lasting a year & a day are called Tailltean marriages.

4- She presented a play in which she starred, ” trial marriage “, in Los Angeles in 1928.

5- Many believe the myth that they are in a ” trial marriage .” Actually it is more like a “trial divorce,” in which more than eight out of ten couples will break up either before the wedding or afterwards in divorce.

6- Related to the brief greenwood marriages of Beltaine, these trial marriages created matrimonial bonds between lovers as well as the liberty to literally walk away from the arrangement a year and a day later.

7- trial marriages seem to have been popular among the rich and powerful, and thus it has been argued that cohabitation before marriage must have been acceptable.

8- trial marriage – A situation were the couples agree to stay together without formalising or legalising the relationship as they wait to see whether it is going to work out.

9- The author describes the storyline featuring Mavis facing the prospect of a trial marriage or losing her boyfriend as an example of the “either-or situations” into which soap opera is “forever ensnaring its characters”.

10- Concubinage, or a so-called trial marriage , is not approved by the New Apostolic Church if it consists of a couple living together in intimate relations in a common domicile, without having been married, without Church blessing and without intending to marry eventually.

11- On November 16, 1928, Glaum opened in ” trial marriage “, the story of a woman who wants to test the suitability of her prospective mate and herself to each other without the benefit of wedlock before they make it permanent.

12- When she returned to Los Angeles, with her husband and business manager, Zack Harris, to visit her family and friends, they decided to stage the play ” trial marriage ” at the Egan Theatre, 1320 South Figueroa Street, with Glaum in the starring role.

13- In 667, they entered into a trial marriage of a year and a day, during which their son Alchu was born.

14- In some historical cultures (including colonial North America), the betrothal was essentially a trial marriage , with marriage only being required in cases of conception of a child.

15- For couple thousand years in Celtic Europe, it was the time of great fairs, where folks came together to play and celebrate the crops, race their horses and contest their skills with games, make contracts and deals, and most definitely to flirt, entering into trial marriages .

16- Failure to conceive (in ‘ trial marriage ‘ cultures)

17- Although there are many trial marriages … there is no such thing as a trial child. ~Gail Sheehy

18- 2391 Some today claim a “right to a trial marriage ” where there is an intention of getting married later.

19- Human love does not tolerate ” trial marriages .” It demands a total and definitive gift of persons to one another. 185

20- Tailltean Marriages: trial marriages , for a duration of a year and a day, were held on her sacred site to promote fertility. (47, 55, 99, 132)

21- Danny divorced Christine and joined Phyllis in a “trial marriage” to “do the right thing” for the child.

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