trial-and-error in a sentence

Use ‘trial-and-error’ in a sentence | ‘trial-and-error’ example sentences

1- But whether cognitive trial-and-error qualifies as intelligence is more difficult.

2- trial-and-error method cannot be applied where skin care is concerned.

3- In earlier stages, children used trial-and-error to solve problems.

4- They are also susceptible to trial-and-error attacks.

5- Many makers continued to experience failures in their ongoing trial-and-error approaches.

6- trial-and-error alone would be a poor method for planning such stunts.

7- Finding the right medication and dose is a trial-and-error process.

8- She wrote her thesis paper on trial-and-error learning in rats.

9- California Pinot is still very much in the trial-and-error stage.

10- Part of this creative experimentation was a trial-and-error approach.

11- However, this trial-and-error approach had its developmental ceiling.

12- Thus, planning becomes important, as does trial-and-error .

13- Each strategy must be used analytically and may require trial-and-error reasoning.

14- This report replaced the existing trial-and-error process with a strong scientific approach.

15- This is the trial-and-error approach adopted by many brewers over many centuries.

16- Problem-solving is demonstrated when children use trial-and-error to solve problems.

17- The trial-and-error method for writing Lewis structures can be time consuming.

18- Our choice to shoot The Master in 65mm was very trial-and-error .

19- Some trial-and-error fitting may prove necessary.

20- Matching the effect to the model was accomplished through trial-and-error guesswork.

21- Second, we expect kids to tackle such a problem with trial-and-error .

22- It takes some practice, patience and trial-and-error to get it right.

23- In other situations, they develop a trial-and-error method to solve information problems.

24- The probationary period is not just a wait-and-see, trial-and-error exercise.

25- I used trial-and-error before deciding on the values used on lines 4-8.

26- A client environment is more conducive to the contemplation and trial-and-error of deep content.

27- Without knowledge of metallurgy, tempering was originally devised through a trial-and-error method.

28- His ‘game plan’ will therefore be something of a trial-and-error affair.

29- A common feature of all Chinese discoveries was their trial-and-error basis and incremental improvement.

30- Snow explains that she has learned from trial-and-error caring for people living with dementia.

31- What if you’ve engaged in several rounds of trial-and-error and seen no results?

32- Usability patterns can document features which worked for users, reducing the costly trial-and-error cycle.

33- Chau had to start again, by trial-and-error practice, to construct better village intelligence.

34- The re-establishment of an efficient military system was made gradually through a process of trial-and-error .

35- I guess the whole trial-and-error worked for all the pills I have to take.

36- Michael Chan, a Chinese-American student at Indiana University learned this through trial-and-error .

37- Thorndike characterized the two most basic intelligences as trial-and-error and Stimulus-Response Association.

38- Knowing who to let in and who to keep out is a trial-and-error experience .

39- Even using trial-and-error , it shouldn’t take too long to figure out a solution.

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