clinical trial in a sentence

Use ‘clinical trial’ in a sentence | ‘clinical trial’ example sentences

1- All three clinical trials involved newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients.

2- New drugs are already undergoing clinical trials .

3- Vaccine candidates are currently awaiting clinical trials .

4- There are currently multiple clinical trials underway investigating potential treatments.

5- The concepts behind clinical trials are ancient.

6- Then large clinical trials showed health risks .

7- There are three different types of clinical trials .

8- Medical research studies involving people are called clinical trials .

9- The investigators reviewed data from three clinical trials .

10- It has never been tested in clinical trials .

11- The search strategy only includes full clinical trial reports.

12- The study analyzed results from six previously conducted clinical trials .

13- clinical trials have shown impressive success rates.

14- Are ongoing clinical trials investigating this issue?

15- Will we still need randomized clinical trials ?

16- Clinical evidence derived from controlled clinical trials is relatively weak.

17- During clinical trials no major side effects were reported.

18- clinical trials are research studies involving people.

19- The terms clinical trial and clinical study are synonymous.

20- Some universal flu vaccines have started early stage clinical trials .

21- clinical trials are closely supervised by appropriate regulatory authorities.

22- It has completed two successful clinical trials .

23- A variety of experimental therapies are available through clinical trials .

24- Currently it is still under clinical trials .

25- The clinical trial featured 149 patients suffering from lupus .

26- The international leaders are totally committed to solid clinical trials .

27- The clinical trial will last 12 weeks .

28- Both clinical trials continue to enroll patients.

29- These studies are currently being moved into human clinical trials .

30- However, several clinical trials demonstrated minor results.

31- However, each clinical trial has strict eligibility requirements.

32- The indices are used in clinical trials and clinical practice.

33- Every clinical trial involves some amount of unforeseen risk.

34- It will be years before clinical trials are completed.

35- Some clinical trials are already underway to explore this potential.

36- Similar findings have been reported in human clinical trials .

37- Clinical research includes epidemiology and clinical trials in liver disease.

38- Some of the available clinical trials are reviewed here.

39- It has been tested in two separate clinical trials .

40- Its potential use in inflammatory bowel disease deserves clinical trials . Medical experts say it is unlikely such a clinical trial will be done.

41- Answers to some common myths about clinical trial participation are here.

42- 720176The first phase III clinical trial of a vaccine began in Guinea over the weekend.

43- Lilly’s also started a phase III clinical trial, although results are more than a year away.

44- Ethical standards in Canada and India preclude charging patients to be part of a clinical trial.

45- Cat-SPIRE is due to report pivotal Phase III clinical trial results in the first half of next year.

46- In a 2000 Harris Interactive survey,? 80% of cancer patients were unaware of clinical trial options.

47- Looking at the larger scale, African Americans make up just 5 percent of clinical trial participants.

48- In medical jargon, effectiveness is how well a treatment works in practice and efficacy is how well it works in a clinical trial.

49- The F.D.A. passed this method during a Phase I clinical trial as showing in a small sample that the method is safe and effective.

50- A human clinical trial undertaken in 2002 found that SR141716 blocked the acute effects of smoked cannabis.

More Sentences: 12
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