tremble with cold in a sentence

Use ‘tremble with cold’ in a sentence | ‘tremble with cold’ example sentences

1- Our little hero began to tremble with cold and dread.

2- I was frozen to my bones, and trembling with cold .

3- Doug is in the seat again, trembling with cold and shock.

4- How long I stood there, trembling with cold and a nameless apprehension, I have no idea.

5- The evening before my mother had scarcely strength enough to undress my brother and put him to bed; she then threw herself, dressed as she was, upon her bed, and we heard her through the night trembling with cold and sorrow.

6- I was trembling with cold or fear in a makeshift foxhole when the news came that Turano had lost control of himself , firing in different directions before falling over his rifle and blowing his head off.

More Sentences:
Related Words:
trematodetrematodestremblecause to tremble be all of a tremble tremble like an aspen leaf tremble with fear tremble with coldtremble with angertremble from somethingtremble at somethingtremble like an aspen leaftremble like a leaftremble like a jellytremble to think

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