tree in a sentence 2

Use ‘tree’ in a sentence | ‘tree’ example sentences

51- The cat ran up the tree.

52- He collided with a tree.

53- The car bumped the tree.

54- The car ran into a tree.

55- I saw him sawing a tree.

56- The tree breaks the wind.

57- He tied the dog to a tree.

58- The dog ran around a tree.

59- The tree bent in the wind.

60- He cut down a cherry tree.

61- They climbed down the tree.

62- Tie the horse to that tree.

63- We shook nuts from the tree.

64- A tree is known by its fruit.

65- We took shelter under a tree.

66- A big tree fell in the storm.

67- He cut down the tree for fun.

68- She was sitting under a tree.

69- A bird is singing in the tree.

70- He was sleeping under the tree.

71- My house stands by a tall tree.

72- A fallen tree blocked the path.

73- I can find a tree by the house.

74- She looked up at the tall tree.

75- The arrow glanced off the tree.

76- He cut down the tree with an ax.

77- I saw a bird flying over a tree.

78- They sat in the shade of a tree.

79- He kept standing against a tree.

80- He cut down that cherry tree.

81- cwilThe dog chased the cat up a tree.

82- He stuck his knife into the tree.

83- He cut down a tree in his garden.

84- We took refuge behind a big tree.

85- He cut some branches off the tree.

86- He cut off a branch from the tree.

87- He rescued a cat from a high tree.

88- I see an old woman under the tree.

89- Birds were singing up in the tree.

90- She is good at climbing up a tree.

91- The balloon was caught in the tree.

92- A big tree has fallen in the storm.

93- There are some oranges on the tree.

94- I had to take shelter under a tree.

95- There are some boys under the tree.

96- They stripped the tree of its bark.

97- The bark of the tree is quite rough.

98- The boy stripped a tree of the bark.

99- The boy carved his name on the tree.

100- He cut down the big tree with an ax.

More Sentences: 1234
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This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences.
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