traveling in a sentence 4

Use ‘traveling’ in a sentence | ‘traveling’ example sentences

151- But traveling and experiencing new things really doesn’t have to break the bank, Chung said.

152- “It’s pretty surreal to be at 35,000 feet, traveling 500 miles an hour, and taking a shower.

153- The designers are under no illusion that this would make for a pleasant traveling experience.

154- “The golf just wasn’t much fun, and being on the road and traveling and not being competitive.

155- We would see impacts of the traveling public, said Travis Brouwer, assistant director of ODOT.

156- Gene loved traveling, music of all types, dancing, and watching football on TV, especially OU.

157- When I heard they were coming, I jumped off the train traveling at more than 30 mph,” he says.

158- traveling at the speed of light, it would take more than four years to reach Proxima Centauri.

159- SDO captured this time-lapse photo showing Comet Lovejoy traveling around the sun in Dec. 2011.

160- Banksy is known for traveling the world and anonymously leaving his street art in public areas.

161- Others continued their journey on Sunday, with 570 refugees traveling to Saalfeld in Thuringia.

162- Go to the theater: The movie is traveling back to the theater in many cities across the country.

163- It takes eight days, traveling through seven time zones, to cover the 9,258 kilometers of track.

164- 834405They’re traveling in and what we need to understand is who are these people,” Faris said.

165- traveling across Bosnia and Herzegovina, it’s impossible not to fall in love with the landscape.

More Sentences: 1234
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