traveled in a sentence 4

Use ‘traveled’ in a sentence | ‘traveled’ example sentences

151- Six members traveled to Washington, D.C., June 20 through 28 to attend the 124th Continental Congress.

152- Carter said that’s why he had traveled to Stuttgart, “to take another look at what we are doing here.”

153- Khairuddin then traveled to several countries to campaign against Najib and 1MDB before his detention.

154- He has also traveled by foot and boat to see glaciers that are quickly receding due to climate change.

155- Here’s the full exchange: Friend: I had a dream that we traveled to a place with jumping baby kittens.

156- Dr. Regan has traveled the world extensively.

157- He sold his business in the U.S. and traveled in Europe.

158- Alomía Robles also traveled to Bolivia and Ecuador during this period.

159- In 1535, Lunge traveled to Trondheim to negotiate peace in the conflict.

160- The fossil has even traveled under this name under some North American tours.

161- The group of men left Milwaukee on May 26, 1837, and traveled for days in the rain.

162- In early 1976, Mitchell traveled with friends who were driving cross country to Maine.

More Sentences: 1234
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