transvestites in a sentence

Use ‘transvestites’ in a sentence | ‘transvestites’ example sentences

1- transvestites may indicate a possible third polarity.

2- Very few transvestites have actually played for Scotland.

3- One even offers transvestites ‘for that special fantasy’.

4- I doubt they are transvestites , more like men in disguises.

5- An extremely small minority of transvestites have university educations or professional qualifications.

6- According to Izzard, “Most transvestites fancy women”.

7- There were no obvious freaks, transvestites , monsters or exotic creatures.

8- In 2004, it was reported that Lahore alone has 10,000 active transvestites .

9- Twenty transvestites were in the audience.

10- You’re confusing stereotypes here; we’re not drag queens or transvestites .

11- Hijras can be compared to transvestites or drag queens of contemporary western culture.

12- Because that song is for homo’s, transvestites and the like.

13- I glimpsed a pair of shimmering transvestites in a back-street bar.

14- About 25,000 transvestites , including the “Ali”s, visit the festival.

15- I can understand if these cases happened with transvestites who looked like real women .

16- It includes cross-dressers, transvestites , and people who identify as genderqueer.

17- He like many others at that time felt that female transvestites were usurping male authority.

18- These perfumed transvestites draw away rival males and sneak back to mate with the females.

19- There are also 9 men looking for transvestites and 2 transvestites looking for fellow transvestites.

20- There are also 9 men looking for transvestites and 2 transvestites looking for fellow transvestites.

21- There are also 9 men looking for transvestites and 2 transvestites looking for fellow transvestites .

22- Lourdes Vasquez: May the transvestites of my island who tap their heels 57.

23- In 2009, the Pakistan Supreme Court ruled in favor of a group of transvestites .

24- In Thailand, cabaret show are usually performed by most beautiful and convincing transvestites or Ladyboy.

25- These are “cross-dressers” or ” transvestites ” (CDs or TVs for short).

26- This was run as a Boarding House in the 1980s and was popular with transvestites .

27- As of 2000, the estate would not release Arbus’s 1957–1965 images of transvestites .

28- Only a few transvestites , or men in full drag, were allowed in by the bouncers.

29- Crossdressers used to be called ” transvestites “, which is now considered an inappropriate and disrespectful term.

30- Many male transvestites have a history of being dressed when toddlers by their doting mothers in pretty dresses.

31- The only people excluded from the protection of the new law are drug dealers, addicts and transvestites .

32- But there have been regular, ongoing complaints from foreign tourists about being robbed by transvestites working in gangs.

33- For decades, until his death in September, he breezed through a slick New York scene of transvestites and tricksters.

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